Crying Artist

Controversy recently struck the General Theologial Seminary in New York after it invited an artist to perform in the college chapel. Details from Church Times:

The Episcopalian seminary had invited the artist Lia Chavez to perform Water the Earth, in which she intended to sit in the college chapel and weep for five hours, as part of an expression of "tears as a sacred act", the press release for the event stated. Ms Chavez said that her performance would be "harnessing and ritualizing the mysteriously regenerative power of releasing emotional tears as an offering to the earth", and watchers would be invited to weep with her.

I know some people can cry on command, but for five hours?

The Episcopalian community thought the event sounded way too weird, forcing the seminary to cancel the performance before it happened.
     Posted By: Alex - Sun Apr 14, 2024
     Category: Religion | Performance Art | Sadness

Have the Episcopalian never heard of Bété weeping women? Weeping women are an old tradition dating back to the old Egyptians, and you can still hire a Bété weeping woman today. Lia Chavez is doing nothing new.
Posted by Yudith on 04/14/24 at 09:02 AM
A woman crying, in a religious motif? Obviously, none of those people ever watched Doctor Who.

I'm brave enough, now and then, as needs be, but going to watch someone imitate a Weeping Angel would be a bit too much for my nerves.
Posted by Phideaux on 04/14/24 at 06:22 PM
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