graham nickerson

Your Daily Loser
Graham Nickerson, 27, somehow, he said, "lost" his trousers in the process of relieving himself in the woods [Ed.: How does that happen?], and that's why he was roaming around in his underwear and why he broke into a home to find some pants to wear and why he settled on a Depends garment he found and why he was wearing it when the cops rousted him after he passed out in the home of the 92-yr-old woman. AWI. Chronicle Herald (Halifax, Nova Scotia)
     Posted By: Chuck - Mon Feb 16, 2009

He chose the Depends so that after he found new pants he wouldn't lose them again by stopping to pee. He had obviously been drinking so another pee was a sure bet.
What a plan! Now if he had only stayed awake to carry it out.
Posted by AGFH on 02/16/09 at 11:16 AM
Totally believable if alcohol was involved.
Posted by Matt in Florida on 02/16/09 at 11:26 AM
His story sounds entirely logical to me.
Posted by kingmonkey in Athens, Ontario on 02/17/09 at 02:21 PM
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