Hazardous Shopping

A female shopper at a Bass Pro Shop in California received a gun shot wound in the butt last Sunday. A man brought in several guns to test fire in the store's firing range. While checking them in a .45 accidentally discharged and hit the woman's left buttock. The wound was minor and the man hasn't been charged with anything, although the investigation is ongoing.

picture from yahoo images
     Posted By: Alex - Wed May 19, 2010

butt officer, it was an accident- shooter

tell the truth and nothing butt the truth.-cop

it hurts butt i'll live-victim

if i sue i'll get a butt-load of money-victim

i'd be fine, butt you just had to come to bass pro shop today-victim to her hubby

ok! ok! i'll stop! :lol:
Posted by Patty in Ohio, USA on 05/19/10 at 11:52 AM
I thought gun shops had a look but don't tush policy, they certainly didn't allow any fanny business back when I was knee-high to peacemaker. Sadly those high-knee days are behind us now and anyone shopping for an arsenel won't have had the kind of rearing I endured. But that's a different tail.
Posted by Dumbfounded on 05/19/10 at 12:00 PM
i love you dumbfounded! you are the best and the quickest wit amongst us! 💋
Posted by Patty in Ohio, USA on 05/19/10 at 12:02 PM
Well I was going to do gun puns, butt I thought if I barrel in and lock up all the stock jokes it might trigger an assualt. And we have such a fine calibre of posters on this sight that I thought to be fair, and for safety, I'd keep a grip on my punning tendancies and just read a magazine or something. That way there'd be plenty of jokes for everyb... oh.

Gosh what a dumdum! :red:
Posted by Dumbfounded on 05/19/10 at 12:11 PM
lmao! :lol:
Posted by Patty in Ohio, USA on 05/19/10 at 12:14 PM
Sounds like a real pain in the Bass to me
Posted by Malk on 05/19/10 at 03:39 PM
I didn't even know that store had such a thing anywhere. Here the only inside firing range is in a gun shop or 7-Eleven at 1AM 😝

My gun has saved me twice without firing a shot.
Posted by ANON in Nowhere on 05/19/10 at 04:21 PM
(w/o a shot)that's the best way bd.
(firing range)yeah its like selling beer at a gas station i mean who would do tha...doh!
Posted by Patty in Ohio, USA on 05/19/10 at 04:26 PM
Here (unlike some place like Texas where protecting you property is a legal excuse to shoot) you can't use deadly force unless your life or someone else's is in danger. If they run away from robbing you like mine did then you can't shoot 'em. (Even though you'd really like to). The first guy ended up abducting a priest down the street who was in plain clothes. Fortunately he just made him drive him miles away and ran away again with his wallet.
Posted by ANON in Nowhere on 05/19/10 at 05:39 PM
FYI the first one had a knife (never bring a knife to a gun fight 🐛 ). The second one had a gun and I could see it said Daisy on the side. A BB isn't going to beat a .38 most likely 😝
Posted by ANON in Nowhere on 05/19/10 at 05:47 PM
dirty harry huh? :lol: just kidding, you didn't get hurt and you didn't get robbed, good deal.
Posted by Patty in Ohio, USA on 05/19/10 at 06:03 PM
i live in a semi rough neighborhood, but not quite that bad bd.
Posted by Patty in Ohio, USA on 05/19/10 at 11:35 PM
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