instant reincarnation

Instant reincarnation in Nakhon Nayok
For the equivalent of about $5, Buddhists line up at a Thai temple to lie inside coffin things for a few minutes while priests chant some magic words, and when they alight, they're supposed to feel like another whole person, kind of. But while you're waiting your turn, don't stand directly behind the coffin, because that's where the current customer's evilness is wafting out. 50.0 percent of one's destiny lies in his name, and the ther 50.0 percent by date of birth, so be careful when making a reservation at the temple. New York Times
     Posted By: Chuck - Sat Sep 27, 2008

Not much different than Rome selling forgiveness on slips of paper.
Posted by Expat47 in Athens, Greece on 09/27/08 at 01:03 PM
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