Moral decline of the West

Archbishop Peter Akinola thinks the moral fiber of Britain is going to the dogs... or the sheep, as it were. He cited a recent case of a 27-year-old London man arrested for having sex with a sheep as evidence of the country's moral decline, saying "As a church we cannot but continue to decry the disturbing level of moral decadence and spiritual degradation eating deep into the soul of western societies." (link:

Actually Akinola might want to brush up on his history, because the sex-with-animals thing isn't a new phenomenon in Britain. For instance, in 1642 Thomas Granger was tried in Puritan New England for the crime of having sex with animals (including a turkey). Granger admitted he did it, but argued that sex with animals was a custom "long used in old England." The Puritans didn't buy this and executed him. But Granger's case (and defense) indicates that the moral decline of the West has been going on for quite some time. (Thanks, Sandy!)
     Posted By: Alex - Fri Oct 03, 2008

What about ducks? Anything in the articles about ducks?

Punch Line:
"Ok, but do I have to stick my head in the fence too?"
Posted by Expat47 in Athens, Greece on 10/04/08 at 12:16 AM
People think society's morals are getting worse but I contend that the issue is that the news is spread around more today than ever. Decades ago, or centuries ago even, news spread around the local town but you probably wouldn't hear about things in other towns, cities or countries and if you did it would have been pulled through the rumor mill.

The truth is, society has been lacking morals since we have had societies.
Posted by Madd Maxx on 10/04/08 at 09:07 AM
Madd Maxx is right. People in what is now England have been buggering sheep since the island was called Albion, and we painted ourselves blue and ran naked into battle against the Romans. When you look at how long Western society has been in decline, it's a wonder it ever rose at all.
Posted by stpatme on 10/04/08 at 09:40 AM
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