origin anus

Evolutionary biologists spar over, um, the origin of the anus
No, seriously. They think organisms started with just one opening for everything, but then it got bigger to accommodate various functions, and eventually the egress got separated from the ingress. Possibly. In fact, the reproductive tract may have started out as an anus. "The issue remains open," said a commenter to the punchline-inspiring journal article. Nature
     Posted By: Chuck - Thu Sep 18, 2008

Hey Matt - I'm not moving to Alaska. Have you heard of their governor???

This explains a lot of the porn industry. They just got confused about which one was the reproductive tract!
Posted by KW in Dallas, TX on 09/18/08 at 09:17 AM
Big Gary, she's a politician and like all their ilk *#!% runs deep.

Q: How can you tell when a politician is lying?
A: His/Her lips are moving.
Posted by Expat47 in Athens, Greece on 09/18/08 at 10:16 AM
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