Professor Music’s Weird Links

If Star Wars Were an Icelandic Saga

There is very little on the subject of utility poles on the internet. Until now.

Suspicious Vans

The horror . . . .the horror

     Posted By: Professor Music - Fri Apr 02, 2010

I absolutely loved the Star Wars one.
Posted by venomlash on 04/02/10 at 05:54 PM
icelandic saga- it's plagiarism like weird al yankovic is plagiarism. just satire.

utility poles- spent most of his life obsessed with giant phallic symbols, repressed much? he's also the guy geeks point at and say 'man what a geek!'

vans- it's all in the context. seeing those vans parked on the street most of us wouldn't even think twice. seeing them on this site they look suspicious. vans aren't inately evil, it's the pervert behind the wheel that's the problem, plenty of them drive pick ups and even escorts.

hello- did ya see the vibrato...i mean shoulder massager? it comes in pink, red, or black. :lol:
Posted by Patty in Ohio, USA on 04/02/10 at 09:24 PM
Star Wars I'm not 100% sure but I'd bet that the copyright has expired on the original. Anyhow, come travel the ancient world over here and you'll find all kinds of S/F names the old ones used!

Utility Poles I wasn't expecting much but by the time I got to the photos from Russel Street I was overwhelmed and needed to take a 5min break. (Pant! Pant!)

Vans You've got to be kidding! This is either fear mongering, vigilantism, or something worse!

Hello Kitty The first photo I looked at! There's got to be more so I'll sign off now! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!
Posted by Expat47 in Athens, Greece on 04/03/10 at 12:25 AM
guilty...oh sorry its not jury duty, just a knee jerk reaction. 🐛
Posted by Patty in Ohio, USA on 04/03/10 at 12:36 AM
Patty, that picture ain't safe for much of anything but it is W E I R D.
Posted by Expat47 in Athens, Greece on 04/03/10 at 09:36 AM
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