steven young

Your Daily Jury Duty
["In America, a person is presumed innocent until the mug shot is released"]
Steven Young, 27, Urbandale, Iowa, might have been drunk and out of control (though that was merely one cop's opinion). (Bonus Standing Fearlessly Against Oppression: "You can't hurt me [with that Taser]. I'm a man.") Des Moines Register
     Posted By: Chuck - Mon Feb 16, 2009

We need info on size and constitution of gonads before and after tasering to make a final judgment on he-man status of individual.

In the mean time: guilty.
Posted by Expat47 in Athens, Greece on 02/16/09 at 11:01 AM
No brain, no pain. And GUILTY!
Posted by DownCrisis on 02/18/09 at 05:35 AM
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