Tails for humans

Millions of years ago our ancestors had tails. Design student Cheng Chang believes that when humans start living in space they'll need tails again. So he built one.

In the plausible future, there is going to be a whole generation of humans living their life in zero-gravity. This kind of environment shift would totally reshape our understanding of space and body function.
When our hands and feet are no longer suitable for the task of controlling our movement in zero gravity. we need a new form of body extension

More info: Royal College of Art

     Posted By: Alex - Sun Apr 21, 2024
     Category: Body Modifications | Space Travel

Tech from a dozen years ago: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b6sHBfHkTpc
Posted by Phideaux on 04/21/24 at 01:21 PM

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