worry 080904

More Things to Worry About on Thursday
King County (Seattle) is sorry that it used its official logo (the face of Martin Luther King, Jr.) on county-branded garbage bags [Wait, The official logo of King County, Wash., is Dr. King? Can they do that?] . . . . . Riviera Beach, Fla., caught its first perp under the new "pull up your britches" ordinance . . . . . A new book that encourages girls to be daring suggests that Aussie daughters take up the didgeridoo, but Dr. Mark Rose (identified as an expert on Aboriginal culture) said that's terribly insulting (in that the didgeridoo is for males only!) and that besides, any girl who touches one will become infertile . . . . . And in more sensible news from Australia, a 19-yr-old man was arrested for excessively, defiantly belching in a police station . . . . . According to British researchers, the South African bird, the Green Wood Hoopoe, gathers in rival groups, which squawk the ornithological equivalent of "You suck!" at each other. Today's Newsrangers: Bruce Alter, Matt Mirapaul, Bob Pert, Erik Madsen, Emory Kimbrough, Mark Neunder, Rob Snyder, Paul Music
     Posted By: Chuck - Thu Sep 04, 2008

Chuck, you put that last bit about the birds in just so you could print the word "ornithological", right?!
Posted by Expat47 in Athens, Greece on 09/05/08 at 01:07 AM
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