As Above

Very trippy. How much of the six minutes can you stand, without chemical assistance?

     Posted By: Paul - Mon Feb 12, 2024
     Category: Science | Video | Abstract, Non-figurative, Non-representational

Posted by Big Mike on 02/12/24 at 10:50 AM
Made 3.5 minutes, but then had to go re-fill my coffee.
Posted by Virtual in Carnate on 02/12/24 at 11:07 AM
Quite beautiful. I enjoyed all of it.
Posted by Judy on 02/12/24 at 01:14 PM
Some of these are quite reminiscent of Kubrick's trip through the monolith in 2001. Very pretty.
Posted by Brewvet on 02/13/24 at 06:44 PM
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