Attack of the Turkeys

This driver in Connecticut claims he has been attacked by turkeys twice.

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If you listen to his turkey impersonation, maybe the turkeys were right to attack.

Here's the original story.

Supposedly, many turkeys attack shiny cars thinking their reflection is another turkey challenger.

When I was 9, a headless turkey chased me across the backyard.

Anybody else been attacked?
     Posted By: gdanea - Sun Nov 18, 2012
     Category: Animals

We need to find the video of some parents letting their kids out of the car so they can take pictures of the kids petting the turkeys.
Posted by Expat47 in Athens, Greece on 11/19/12 at 12:49 AM
If you have to shoot it in self defense at least you'll have Thanksgiving dinner.
Posted by Patty in Ohio, USA on 11/19/12 at 01:09 AM
A Turkey Tale
He came out of the woods in a running start
Tried to take flight with all of his heart
But the road was to close and the car was too tall
And he was too heavy and his flight was in stall
He smacked into the window; left a feather or two
Then bounced down the road; what’s a guy gonna do
The turkey’s just laying there; all twisted and still
You get out of the car feeling quite ill
When up jumps the bird, shakes his head as to clear it
Then you soon realize you are really too near it
He’s alive and he’s well, and he’s really pissed off
And he sees you as the reason he did not get aloft
And so he attacks you - flogging and chasing
With you in his sights, its revenge he’s embracing
So you start to run down the side of the road
But he’s got some speed, turkey trot pigeon-toed
He’s gaining; you’re worried your end is at hand
Death by a turkey; would your friends understand
When all at once you get a reprise
He gives up the chase and heads back to the trees
You can relax; head back into town
And hope all your friends will let you live this down
And maybe in time, they’ll all come to doubt it
As long as no fool writes a poem all about it

Posted by mike on 11/19/12 at 09:09 AM
That's a good one, mike.

Am I mistaken or did Ben Franklin once suggest that the American Turkey be the symbol of the U.S.? It had something to do with the resourcefulness of the bird in the wild.
Posted by KDP on 11/19/12 at 09:53 AM
You're correct, KDP. The Butterball's version of a turkey couldn't be farther from what Ma Nature provided. I've heard it said that it is one of the toughest game birds around.
Posted by Expat47 in Athens, Greece on 11/19/12 at 09:57 AM
I accidently drove between a Tom Turkey and his harem of females one afternoon last spring. The male circled my car gobbling into the windows and pecking violently at each tire, one after the other. I sort of assume that the Turkey prefers to attack the legs of an opponent first-he whacked each tire really firmly-and I think it would have hurt any creature standing up to the effort!
Posted by Alex Mazzitelli on 11/19/12 at 11:23 AM
Y'all sure do know your Turkeys round here, Alex you're lucky you didn't get a flat tire from that turkey's spurs. The state of NY has an excellent page about the eastern wild turkey HERE.
It even has pictures of turkey spurs which can be up to 1.5 inches long!
Cool poem mike! :coolsmile:
Posted by Tyrusguy on 11/19/12 at 02:40 PM
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