bigfoot letdown

The Bigfoot announcement yesterday: nada
After the three true believers laid out their case at the press conference in Palo Alto, Calif., the leading academic Bigfootoligist, Prof. Jeffrey Meldrum, called it all "not compelling in the least." The definitive photos, he said, "just [look] like a costume with some fake guts thrown on top for effect." Notwithstanding, the three believers seemingly couldn't have been more confident that they had found the holy grail. Example: They were inexplicably taunting in their presentation of empty DNA results. Washington Post // Associated Press via Yahoo
     Posted By: Chuck - Sat Aug 16, 2008

So, Bigfoot is some kind of giant possum monster?
Posted by kingmonkey in Athens, Ontario on 08/18/08 at 12:51 PM
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