Don’t Do This

     Posted By: Alex - Wed Jul 18, 2012

Perhaps they should issue licenses for those too!
Posted by Patty in Ohio, USA on 07/18/12 at 01:03 AM
Watch her sue the city for not having handicap-accessible escalators.
Posted by J Tolleridge on 07/18/12 at 03:31 AM
Can I do this with a scooter with a 150cc engine?
Posted by A Craaaaaaazzzzzzy Guy on 07/18/12 at 08:04 AM
Sure, if you are vying for a Darwin Crazy Guy.
Posted by Patty in Ohio, USA on 07/18/12 at 09:15 AM
Is there any clue as to what city in which this took place? Tollenridge is probably close to the mark - I've seen elevators in every subway in every city I've been to, U.S. and Europe, that have subways. If this took place in the U.S. you know there's a slip-and-fall lawyer not far behind.
Posted by KDP on 07/18/12 at 09:53 AM
She didn't even hesitate. Just drove right up to it like she had been doing it for years. Unreal. People like this ( and I DON"T mean "disabled") are allowed to vote. Thank God they probably don't.
Posted by Todd on 07/18/12 at 10:30 AM
I do enjoy occasionally making someone look like a fool, but some people insist on the do-it-yourself job.
Posted by tadchem on 07/18/12 at 12:56 PM
Is it just me, or is that her walking down the stopped escalator at the end? And yes, I'm sure there's a lawsuit in this somewhere. "But, Your Honor, the sign said no strollers, and this isn't a stroller."
Posted by TheCannyScot in Atlanta, GA on 07/18/12 at 01:33 PM
Now, how is it that everyone, before we even played the video, knew what was going to happen, but the freak in the scooter couldn't see it coming? Good Lord.
Posted by flagellum on 07/18/12 at 04:24 PM
Because we do not watch film of the people who ride up and decide not to do it because they 'see it coming'.

She does walk down and stand at the bottom.
Posted by Patty in Ohio, USA on 07/18/12 at 09:33 PM
She looks less decrepit than me. Why is she in a scooter?
Posted by Harvey on 07/19/12 at 12:31 AM
My question is... Was it a stunt that went a bit wrong or a set up for a law suit?
Posted by BMN on 07/19/12 at 02:27 AM
There's no law suit here but that won't stop some ambulance chaser giving it a try for a nusance payout.

BTW, who's the idiot that came running to her rescue? Me, I try to avoid stupid whenever I can.
Posted by Expat47 in Athens, Greece on 07/19/12 at 10:13 AM
Generally where there's an escalator, there's also an elevator, for precisely this reason.

I'm more curious why someone thought it would be a bright idea to stop the escalator with the heavy machine midway up. She wanted to go to the top; fine, let it go to the top. _Then_ drag it off.
Posted by Tyler Tork on 07/19/12 at 10:48 AM
Remember what happens at the top of an escalator, Tyler. The steps collapse, then go under the forked steel plate. Not a good place to be laying on your side with clothing and skin there. If you ever see an accident occur on an escalator, be the first to hit the red button! 🐛
Posted by done on 07/20/12 at 08:27 PM
Exactly Danny!
Posted by Patty in Ohio, USA on 07/21/12 at 12:11 AM
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