Double-Heeled Shoe

Patent No. 7,574,819, granted to Jin Rie of Los Angeles:

A high heel for women is provided. The high heels according to the current invention have at least two tall heels fixed to rear end of the bottom of sole of the shoes... The multi heeled high heels according to current invention reduces dislocation of wearer's ankle though the heels are narrow and long.

But why stop at two heels when you could have seven?

'Cleat Heels' from Jean Paul Gaultier's Spring 1993 collection

     Posted By: Alex - Tue Nov 16, 2021
     Category: Patents | Shoes

The Cleat Heels would be good to wear when you want to chit-chat with the visiting giant alien heptapods.
Posted by Virtual in Carnate on 11/16/21 at 09:47 AM
Those cleat heels have got to be fun on gratings.
Posted by Eric on 11/16/21 at 11:50 AM
I have to admit, though, the two-heeled ones aren't a stupid idea, really. A tripod is stable.
Posted by Richard Bos on 11/21/21 at 01:34 PM
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