gabriel saucedo

Your Daily Jury Duty
[no fair examining the evidence; verdict must be based on mugshot only]
Gabriel Saucedo might possibly have been the one who tried to rob a guy but then ran into a bit of trouble with the victim's fists. KPHO-TV via KTAR Radio (Phoenix)
     Posted By: Chuck - Mon Nov 17, 2008


Now, for a first, the victim is also guilty. Guilty of improperly ordered priorities. I'm a guitar player who would've fought back when the dillweed tried stealing my guitar.
Posted by Madd Maxx on 11/17/08 at 08:29 AM
Sounds like our guilty dude has a case against this lawyer-to-be. The student displayed intent of cooperation by freely handing over said wallet and guitar(s) hence the robber had every right to expect full compliance with his request for the lap top. The overtly excessive denial by the student should be punish!

Posted by Expat47 in Athens, Greece on 11/17/08 at 10:34 AM
And this story has officially hit on one of my hated trends in the English language. I despise the overuse and improper use of the work "like". Not everything is a comparison. Often something is or is not 'something'.

"I was like, 'Dude, no -- please, no!"

He was just like, 'I'm going to smash your head in,'" Botsios said.

"I'm like putting my face in my hands..."I was like, 'Oh my God... I'm very, very, very proud of him."

In this family the parents obviously ensured their children went out into the world speaking English very goodly.

I can imagine this person in future defending his client: "Your honour. My client is like innocent! Like my client was like not there when like the guy was robbed!"

Thank you very too much for reading my post.

Sign j
Posted by agent j in Toronto, Canada on 11/17/08 at 10:46 AM
When I read the article, I was like OMG! Then, I was like Oh My God, I'm really like, happy, that it turned out okay, you know? Like, maybe law student and mama could each spring for a you know, dictionary?
Posted by lostinthevalleygirl on 11/17/08 at 10:46 AM
Guilty! thanks for the mug shots of the day. Got a lot of viewing to catch up on.
Posted by avmayes614 in the wt"F"-State on 11/17/08 at 10:47 AM
Hey, agent, looks like we were on the same, you know, planet there for a minute. Ha!
Posted by lostinthevalleygirl on 11/17/08 at 10:48 AM
lostinthevalleygirl - I am so glad I am not the only one who noticed the above average linguistic skills of Mom and Son. I once lost it on a couple of university students I was tutoring. I could hear myself going on and on about the "like" and the "like". When I was done I calmly told them they would have to be very aware of their speech patterns if they wanted me to continue tutoring them in preparation for the public defense portion of their fourth year thesis work.
agent j
Posted by agent j in Toronto, Canada on 11/17/08 at 11:49 AM
Al - You musn't play. I can tell you every guitar is different and finding one that works well with you is like finding the right mate. Some say better because the guitar doesn't demand or talk back.
Posted by Madd Maxx on 11/17/08 at 12:33 PM
Madd Maxx - And, it's always wearing a G-string for you!
Posted by lostinthevalleygirl on 11/17/08 at 04:22 PM
Sometimes I just have to run my finger up and down the g-string then gently bend it from side to side. It usually creates some wonderful sounds from my baby. :coolhmm:
Posted by Madd Maxx on 11/17/08 at 04:26 PM
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