Great Yearbook Photos

"Best Yearbook Photo Ever"
I don't know that this photo ever actually appeared in a yearbook, but it's circulated all around the web with this caption. It could be an engagement photo, but it's more fun to imagine it in a yearbook. [Accordion Guy]

"Most Whipped"
The 2005 Boynton Beach High Yearbook included this shot of Robert Richards being held on a leash by his girlfriend, Melissa Finley. The fact that he's black and she's white didn't sit well with some people, including Richards' mother, who demanded that all copies of the yearbook be recalled. [Palm Beach Post]

Going Medieval
Patrick Agin wanted this photo in his Portsmouth High School yearbook, but the school refused, citing its zero-tolerance weapons policy. Critics of the decision noted that the school mascot was a Revolutionary War soldier carrying a rifle. [NY Times]

Too Pale, Not Smiling
11-year-old Asheana Maiheapt was sick the day class photos were taken, so the school used a picture of her taken by a school photographer. But Asheana's mother hated the photo, arguing that her daughter looked too pale in it and wasn't even smiling. She demanded the school recall all copies of the yearbook. She must have felt much better when the New York Post plastered the photo on its front page. [ABC News]
     Posted By: Alex - Mon Aug 18, 2008
     Category: Education | Photography and Photographers

No one even looks at their yearbook from elementary school, anyway.
Posted by kingmonkey in Athens, Ontario on 08/19/08 at 08:52 AM
I have never heard of an elementary school HAVING a yearbook. In the first photo, I would bet the couple is already married...the ring on the woman's hand appears to be a band. I always thought the "whipped" thing was just a weird category to put in a yearbook. What happened to "cutest couple"? Not having a medievil picture would probably be in the kid's best interest. He looks like a goofus.
Posted by Maegan on 08/19/08 at 11:49 AM
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