Johnson Smith Catalog Item #2


From the 1950 catalog.
     Posted By: Paul - Tue Jul 26, 2011
     Category: Jewelry | Johnson Smith Catalog | Pop Art | 1950s

Scared the poo-poo out of me and I'm not even a zombie. (see fine print)
Posted by Expat47 in Athens, Greece on 07/26/11 at 11:10 AM
In the '50s wouldn't that ring brand you a devil worshipper? Kinda cool.
Posted by Patty in Ohio, USA on 07/26/11 at 11:16 PM

Not really, I remember the old comic strip (it is still around) "The Phantom" or "The Ghost Who Walks" as he was otherwise known and he used a skull ring to "stamp" the bad guys he took down. Owning one of those was way kool when I was a kid back in the days of the dinosaurs.

In fact there were a lot of toys like decoder rings, trading cards, special weapons and such that nobody thought anything of. They were just what they were intended to be; children's toys. Now it seems like everything is satanic to someone, especially the hard line Christian denominations. I am a church going Christian myself and I still try to use a little common sense as to what is just entertainment and what is really demonic in nature.
Posted by yogi in Kennesaw GA on 07/28/11 at 05:54 PM
I agree Yogi. I hate the demonization of Halloween as well. Children Trick or Treating is nothing evil or bad.
Posted by Patty in Ohio, USA on 07/28/11 at 09:46 PM
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