Kmarto Wine

In the mid-1980s, K-Mart stores in Gainesville, Florida introduced a K-Mart-branded wine, which they called Kmarto. It cost a mere $1.97, and was available in both a red and white variety.

Very little information remains about Kmarto. For instance, I don't know how long it was sold. Just a few years, I think. As far as I know, it was never sold outside of Gainesville.

I was only able to find one picture of a bottle of the stuff — on, of all places, The Horse Doctor (a veterinarian's blog):

If you happen to still own a bottle of this stuff, I'm sure you could easily sell it for a couple of hundred dollars, because it's definitely a collector's item. As Paul Kirchner has reported in his book Oops!:

Gary Kirkland wrote about Kmarto for the Gainesville sun and received a number of calls from area residents who still treasure their vintage bottles of the stuff. Oddly, it didn't seem to have occurred to any of them to actually drink it—it was kept solely for its shock value. Many feel it broadens the scope of a well-stocked wine rack. One family uses it as the centerpiece for all important family photos—weddings, reunions, birthdays, etc.—to give events that special élan. In another family it has become traditional, whenever an expensive wine is served, to acknowledge that, of course, it cannot compare with the debonair-yet-somehow-impudent Kmarto.
     Posted By: Alex - Tue Sep 28, 2021
     Category: Inebriation and Intoxicants | Alcohol

Didn't we see something similar in the past concerning a product with a lower tier major retailer name slapped on it to make it sound like a high class product?

It sounds like trying to put lipstick on the pig. It doesn't look good and annoys the pig.

Although it was probably a decent wine, being an Italian red, suitable for use with a plate of pasta.
Posted by KDP on 09/28/21 at 05:41 PM
KDP, are you referring to Payless Shoes fake designer brand, Palessi?
Posted by ges on 09/29/21 at 10:32 PM
If it was indeed a Lambrusco d'Emilia as the label promises, and not a Californian spritz mislabelled, it would at least have been a very drinkable table wine. Not high class, perhaps, but good enough for a family dinner - especially at that price.
Posted by Richard Bos on 10/02/21 at 01:30 PM
For when you want to impress that special someone with the perfect pairing with a Happy Meal…
Posted by Brian on 10/05/21 at 11:44 AM
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