neon chaps

Something Hell's Angels and that Christian biker gang from yesterday can agree on: No neon-green chaps!
The Florida Highway Patrol correctly notes that motorcyclists get killed every yr simply because they're not visually obvious enough on the road, leaving drivers sometimes to overlook them. FHP's solution: Start dressing in neon colors, all over. Response from bikers: We don't do Village People. Said biker Gary Dove, 62, "I've got black chaps, black vest, black t-shirts, black shoes." St. Petersburg Times (7-16-2008) via (8-6-2008)
     Posted By: Chuck - Fri Aug 08, 2008

LOL. We all choose our own self-preservation measures. Either you get killed by a driver on your bike, or you get your @ss kicked by other bikers when you get off your bike. I'm lucky - as a girl, I can wear whatever colors I want (although I still tend toward black, since it matches my Harley).
Posted by BikerPuppy on 08/08/08 at 11:14 AM
I've been biking here in Athens, Gr. for decades and have only been run down once (not for them trying) mostly because of my own fault. The one thing, though, about riding over here vs riding in the US is that the drivers here KNOW we're on the road and watch for us while the US drivers haven't got a clue and could care less!

I got run off the road more in 2 years riding my Honda in Illinois (way back when) than I have over here in the past 3 decades.
Posted by Expat47 in Athens, Greece on 08/09/08 at 02:09 AM
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