Suspicions Confirmed: A recent British reality show mingled (a) five people who have histories of serious mental illness with (b) five who don't, then ran them through provocative situations, then asked three mental-health professionals to try to ID which ones were which. The pros would have done better flipping a coin.
In other words, we're all nuts. New York Times
The reporting's not good here, so I don't stand behind it, but it says here that the adult daughter of a 67-yr-old man diagnosed with colon cancer has been drinking his daughter's breast milk regularly and that, hey, it helps.
Yahoo Lifestyle [EDITING UPDATE: Well . . . that "the adult daughter of" doesn't really belong in the sentence, now, does it?]
Jealousy at Club 1245 in Akron, Ohio: An incumbent stripper stabbed a new-hire stripper with a stiletto shoe. (Bonus Leading Economic Indicator: Incumbent's 45 yrs old, newcomer's 52.)
Akron Beacon-Journal
In London, some critics of police brutality propose making riot-control cops wear jerseys with numbers, like football players, to make it easier to ID them.
Daily Star
KTRK-TV (Houston, Tex.) has the photo of Daniel Duran being led away by police after the bank robbery bag he got from a Wachovia branch exploded on him, bloodying his, er, lower abdomen . . on down further.
This one's not really that weird; I just wanted the opportunity to pay a tribute by using "polopponies" in Weird Universe.
[If you know what I'm talking about, great.] South Florida Sun-Sentinel
One of the hottest-selling books in India, especially among business students:
Mein Kampf, which is viewed nowadays as a self-improvement guide and management text.
Daily Telegraph (London)
Daily Mail made Freedom of Information Act demands on local councils' expenditures on political-correctness jobs, finding, e.g., a "toothbrush advisor" for schools, a "befriending coordinator," a "breastfeeding peer support coordinator."
Daily Mail
Today's Newsrangers: Paul Blumstein, Scott Langill, Melinda Boyer