Overzealous Brush Salesman

I occasionally get salesmen knocking at the front door. Usually they work for roofing contractors or home-security companies, though once I had a guy try to sell me nutritional supplements. But brush salesmen seem to have gone the way of the dodo.

Arizona Republic - Nov 16, 1959

Overzealous Brush Salesman Is Fined
MEMPHIS, Tenn. (UPI) — Brush Salesman Stanley Brown paid a $153 fine on charges by a housewife that he tried to force her to get in the bathtub and let him demonstrate a back-scrubbing brush.
     Posted By: Alex - Sun Jul 10, 2016
     Category: 1950s

I remember the Fuller brush man from when I was a kid. There was a 1948 Red Skelton film called The Fuller Brush Man and a 1950 Lucille Ball film called The Fuller Brush Girl. But with fewer stay-at-home housewives, door-to-door salesmen/women have been largely replaced by "parties" selling cosmetics and the like.
Posted by ges on 07/10/16 at 10:41 AM
Not safe to let a strange man in the house when your home alone nowadays anyway.
Posted by Patty in Ohio, USA on 07/10/16 at 10:40 PM
At first glance it looked like an overzealous "bush" salesman was the subject and I thought, "Why would anyone go door-to-door selling shrubbery ?" Perhaps the next guy coming along would be selling herring?
Posted by KDP on 07/11/16 at 05:48 PM
KDP: looks like he was trying to get bush by selling his brush.

Brush, ha! Look up the Latin word for it...
Posted by Richard Bos on 07/13/16 at 08:08 AM
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