salliemae marine

Sallie Mae to family of dead Marine: Hey, ya think credit grows on trees?
After college, Ian McVey passed up big bucks to join the Marines, and was about to ship out for Iraq when a bad driver fatally creamed him, and two of his student-loan lenders told the grieving family not to bother with the loans, but not the other lender, Sallie Mae, the U.S.'s major originator of federally-insured student loans. Bonus: Apparently Sallie Mae deals with its customers, even grieving ones, strictly by robot. Boston Globe
     Posted By: Chuck - Fri Dec 19, 2008

This reminds me of my old apartment building's death-of-resident policy... if you die, your family has to pay two more months rent starting on the month after your death. Lovely.
Posted by Becky on 12/19/08 at 12:15 PM
I was in the money lending game for over 20 years and anyone lending money that does NOT take out term life insurance on the borrower is asking for trouble. The stuff only costs pennies a month and that is, usually, passed onto the borrower (in one form or another).

Anyhow, I have to agree with Sallie May's wanting to get their (the tax payers?) money back for the loan but some human dignity has to be used.
Posted by Expat47 in Athens, Greece on 12/19/08 at 01:20 PM
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