Worst. Spy Movie. Ever.

1) Incoherent script.

2) Lame humor.

3) No chemistry between Peck and Loren.

4) Primary villain looks like Peter Sellers as Inspector Clousseau.

5) Sophia Loren as an Arab.

6) Gregory Peck takes a psychedelic trip on a bicycle.

7) Secondary villain uses term "daddy-o" excessively.

8) Poison eyedrops.

     Posted By: Paul - Fri Dec 26, 2008
     Category: Movies | Stupidity | 1960s

No chemistry between Peck and Loren? Was he made of stone? I'd have given her some of my chemistry, that's for sure. Now? Not so much, but then, yeah.
Posted by kingmonkey in Athens, Ontario on 12/29/08 at 09:04 AM
Andy--you intrigue me greatly. No, I have not seen that masterpiece you cite. Off to Netflix I go!
Posted by Paul on 12/31/08 at 11:40 AM
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