Miss Idaho Petroleum

Joanne Hopkins had the honor of being named Miss Idaho Petroleum of 1951. As far as I can tell, 1951 was the only year in which this title was awarded.

Idaho Daily Statesman - Oct 14, 1951

Idaho Daily Statesman - Jan 8, 1952

Three other states awarded Miss Petroleum titles in 1951. The University of Southern California library has some photos of the four petroleum beauty queens together. From left to right, there's Miss Idaho Petroleum, Miss Montana Petroleum, Miss Wyoming Petroleum, and Miss Colorado Petroleum.

In this photo it looks like they're about to throw Miss Colorado Petroleum in the pool:

I hadn't realized that Idaho was a petroleum-producing state. Some google searching produced this list of all the petroleum states in order of how much they produce. Texas is the top, by a wide margin. Idaho is third from bottom. Maybe Idaho produced more in 1951. I don't know.

     Posted By: Alex - Mon Apr 17, 2023
     Category: Awards, Prizes, Competitions and Contests | Fossil Fuels, Carbon Footprint, and Climate Change | 1950s

I note Miss Idaho's Dad was Branch Manager of Standard Oil California in Boise. Do I smell a scandal here?...
Posted by Phred22 on 04/17/23 at 08:08 PM
Any bets on Miss Colorado is wearing a Bikini under the trench coat?
Posted by Swordfish on 04/18/23 at 09:09 AM
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