Radioprotective Blancmange

Several years ago, Russian scientists developed a recipe for a blancmange that would help protect against radiation poisoning. The perfect dessert to serve in your bunker after a nuclear war. Details from

The dessert blancmange consists of two layers. The first is a cheese mousse sugar syrup containing buckthorn extract, evenly distributed over the entire volume. The second layer is a jelly consisting of an extract of green tea and red wine stabilized natural pectin gelling agent. All components have high radioprotective properties.

You can find the article by the Russian scientists here, but it's in Russian (except for the initial abstract).
     Posted By: Alex - Fri Jun 23, 2023
     Category: Food | Jello | Atomic Power and Other Nuclear Matters

What was the final score against Podgorny at Wimbeldon?
Posted by KDP on 06/23/23 at 07:20 AM
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