The Bridge to Nowhere

No, not that bridge in Alaska. This one was designed by Michael Cross:

The Bridge is a series of steps which rise up out of the water in front of you as you walk from one to the next, and then disappear back underneath behind you as you go, leaving you stranded with only one step visible in front of you, and one behind. The bridge ends in the middle of the water, where you find yourself totally isolated and cut off from the shore. You return the way you came.
     Posted By: Alex - Thu Jul 31, 2008
     Category: Art | Buildings and Other Structures

So it's an artistic depiction of my job?
Posted by BikerPuppy on 07/31/08 at 01:52 PM
Do not want!! 🐛
Posted by MadCarlotta on 07/31/08 at 04:46 PM
A.R.T. again. I could tell right away.
Posted by Expat47 in Athens, Greece on 08/01/08 at 01:04 AM
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