Banana and Mayonnaise Sandwiches

I recently learned that banana and mayonnaise sandwiches are considered a southern delicacy. A variant is the peanut butter and mayonnaise sandwich. Or combining all three: the peanut butter, banana, and mayonnaise sandwich.

There's a Facebook community dedicated to Banana and Mayonnaise Sandwiches. Also, this is apparently one of Dale Earnhardt Jr.'s favorite foods.

The Garden & Gun blog traces the popularity of peanut butter and mayo sandwiches (and presumably also of banana and mayo) back to the Great Depression:

Through the hardships of the Great Depression and the lean years that followed, peanut butter and mayonnaise kept many struggling households afloat. They were also the ingredients in a sandwich that was once as popular as peanut butter and jelly in parts of the South...
Newspaper clippings from the national heyday of the peanut butter and mayonnaise sandwich, a period that seems to have begun in the 1930s and continued through the 1960s, provide evidence that the practice of adding mayonnaise to peanut butter could have originated as a way of transforming rough-hewn nut butters into spreadable pastes.
     Posted By: Alex - Wed Jul 22, 2015
     Category: Food | Mayonnaise | Bananas

Good US peanut butter is hard to come by over here but when next a jar of same makes an appearance I'll give this a try.

I've heard of the peanut butter & banana but the mayo is a new twist.
Posted by Expat47 in Athens, Greece on 07/22/15 at 10:08 AM
Every grocery store I´ve shopped in here carries American p. butter, I wouldn´t ruin it by adding mayonnaise though.
Posted by F.U.D. on 07/22/15 at 12:30 PM
We, mostly, get some French ruination foisted upon us. Occasionally, if/when I search hard enough and have secured the proper loans from the bank I can find a small jar.
Posted by Expat47 in Athens, Greece on 07/22/15 at 12:40 PM
Eaten these all my life. This is the only way to eat a banana.
Posted by Michael on 07/22/15 at 12:59 PM
I grew up on peanut butter and mayo. Still eat it to this day. Never heard of banana and mayo but will have to try it.
Posted by somebody somewhere on 07/22/15 at 01:08 PM
forgot to mention ........... if you add relish to your peanut butter and mayo, Then you have a sandwich!!!
Posted by somebody somewhere on 07/22/15 at 01:10 PM
My sister's best friend used to eat these, probably still does, but we found them to be yucky. Now I'll eat peanut butter and banana sandwiches but mayo with either does not appeal.
Posted by Patty in Ohio, USA on 07/22/15 at 02:24 PM
I'm a little late to this but Patty describes what my parents ate frequently, the peanut butter /banana sandwich. However I do not follow the parents culinary tastes.
Posted by KDP on 07/22/15 at 03:42 PM
No mention of Elvis?
Posted by ges on 07/22/15 at 10:16 PM
Elvis was the fried peanut butter and 'nanner sandwich, if I'm not mistaken.
Posted by puptentacle on 07/22/15 at 11:52 PM
These, plus sweet pickle and mayo or tomato and mayo sandwiches, are lunch in many Southern households. The bread-and-butter pickle is served with mayo so the butter can be served on a breakfast biscuit.
Posted by Angie unduplicated on 07/23/15 at 11:37 AM
Had an afterschool babysitter in the 60's that fed us butter, peanut butter and jelly sandwiches.
Posted by Gary Foster on 07/25/15 at 08:19 AM
Now, that one I've had. Don't remember when or why but the 2 surviving brain cells both agree we've done that!
Posted by Expat47 in Athens, Greece on 07/25/15 at 10:45 AM
How about mayo and french fries?
Posted by Charlie on 07/28/15 at 01:11 AM
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