The Gift of Prophecy

Christian minister Rebecca Greenwood has discovered that she has the gift of prophecy. Specifically, she has an uncanny ability to predict what's going to happen next in movies. When she watches movies with her husband, she's like, "‘This is gonna happen. This is gonna happen. This is gonna be the outcome.” And he's like, ‘Don’t tell me what’s gonna happen at the movie. If you understand before it’s happening, I don’t wanna know before it happens’.” More about Greenwood and her amazing powers of prognostication at
     Posted By: Alex - Sat Mar 28, 2015
     Category: Predictions


The Mrs. has often mentioned how, when she and her siblings would watch some show on TV, her dad would confidently predict the villain or the plot twist. His kids were amazed.

Of course, it was just that he'd seen it all before.
Posted by mindful webworker on 03/28/15 at 10:24 PM
Hallelujah and pass the collection plate. Seriously? Predict what's going to happen in movies...
Posted by Expat47 in Athens, Greece on 03/28/15 at 11:12 PM
She's a freakin' genius! :roll:
Posted by Patty in Ohio, USA on 03/29/15 at 12:06 AM
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