Miss Electric Bedding

Advertising Age ran a photo of "Miss Electric Bedding" in its Nov 10, 1952 issue. But it didn't give her name.

Advertising Age - Nov 10, 1952

A month later, reports appeared in a number of newspapers stating that actress Viveca Lindfors had declined to be crowned "Miss Electric Bedding."

Daily Mirror - Dec 16, 1952

I'm not sure if that's Viveca Lindfors in the Advertising Age photo, but it definitely could be. I'm leaning towards thinking it is. And if it is, it's confusing why it was reported that she declined to be Miss Electric Bedding. After all, there she is.

My best guess: the Advertising Age photo shows her modeling as Miss Electric Bedding for the Chicago Electric Association. The later news report says she refused an offer from the New York Electric Assn. So she must have done the electric bedding modeling gig in Chicago, but then declined to do it elsewhere.

Viveca Lindfors - image source: wikipedia

     Posted By: Alex - Sun Mar 10, 2024
     Category: Awards, Prizes, Competitions and Contests | 1950s

I'm thinking after the 1st photoshoot, she started collecting the jokes, so she decided to abdicate.
Posted by Virtual in Carnate on 03/10/24 at 11:53 AM
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