Pack It Right

This Department of the Army video continually uses a woman in a well-stuffed bikini to illustrate how to "pack it right."

     Posted By: Paul - Tue Mar 28, 2017
     Category: Government | PSA’s | Sex Symbols | 1970s

A film clearly made for defense contractors, who in the late 70s were mostly all middle-aged, male, and thoroughly bored with this kind of mandatory training. So it only stands to reason that the filmmakers would wake them up with a pretty girl in a bikini, completely unrelated to the film's message. Absurdly sexist by today's standards (the opening title literally pops out of her boobs, and the closing shot is of her butt), the film's archaic nature is fascinating in other ways -- the old computers, smoking in the office, etc. But I'd wager that the film succeeded in getting the audience's attention.
Posted by Brian on 03/28/17 at 07:57 PM
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