Advertising Club Beauty Contest

Miss Margaret Gorman presenting the wooden loving-cup to "Miss" Alexandria, winner of the Advertising Club's "beauty" contest, held at the Raleigh yesterday. In business life pretty "Miss" Alexandria is Sylvan Oppenheimer. "Miss Congress Heights," the young "lady" with the rolling pin, is Allan De Ford. The debonair "Miss" Georgetown is Sidney Selinger and the charming young lady with the raven locks, "Miss Four-and-a-Half Street," is none other than Paul Heller] [1921 September 21]

     Posted By: Paul - Thu Sep 09, 2021
     Category: Awards, Prizes, Competitions and Contests | Beauty, Ugliness and Other Aesthetic Issues | Humor | Parody | Advertising | 1920s

The usual Mad Ave. attempt to appeal to the ladies.
Posted by eddi on 09/09/21 at 10:42 PM
Before I read the caption, I thought the broad wielding the rolling pin was named "Miss Congeniality".
Posted by Virtual in Carnate on 09/10/21 at 05:56 AM
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