
     Posted By: Paul - Sat Jul 22, 2023
     Category: Radio | Television | Homages, Pastiches, Tributes and Borrowings | Superheroes | Cartoons | 1960s

I'll stick with Super Chicken, since he fights the Bad Guys 7 days per week.
Posted by Virtual in Carnate on 07/22/23 at 09:34 AM
Benton Harbor (Chickenman's secret identity) is a town in Michigan about 100 miles from Chicago. I just went down a rabbit hole and discovered an interesting cult that lived there. Here's an article on the cult:
Posted by ges on 07/23/23 at 10:03 PM
"He's everywhere, he's everywhere!" I remember listening to this on the radio as a kid in the 1970s. I had no idea it was ever animated.
Posted by Laurel on 07/24/23 at 10:32 AM
Very cool, GES! Thanks!
Posted by Paul on 07/24/23 at 11:52 AM

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