Device to self-administer gas

This curious device was featured in Mechanix Illustrated (July 1938), but no info was given about the inventor.

So I searched the patent archive. This patent granted to Justin Sholes in 1939 seems to be it:

     Posted By: Alex - Thu Apr 25, 2024
     Category: Drugs | Patents | 1930s

Self-administering euphoria-inducing drugs. What could go wrong?

Hooked up to a patient-demand morphine pump while hospitalized for pancreatitis, in considerable pain but doped up enough I wasn't exactly sure where I was, and without my glasses or any manual/guide, I figured out how to reset the pump's limit setting so it'd give about twenty percent more (the highest it would go without a password or special key). Nurse later told me I was well over LD50.
Posted by Phideaux on 04/25/24 at 02:03 PM
It does remind one rather too much of Larry Niven's tasp.
Posted by Richard Bos on 04/27/24 at 11:24 AM

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