Protest over plastic dog

From 1959. The Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals protested inclusion of a plastic dog in a toy rocket ship.

I assume the plastic dog must have been inspired by Laika, the Soviet space dog, who was sent on a one-way ticket into space. Once people figured out that the Soviets hadn't bothered to plan any way for bringing Laika back from space (except for letting the rocket crash and burn), her launch pretty much turned into a PR disaster for them.

Source: San Rafael Daily Independent Journal - Oct 27, 1959
     Posted By: Alex - Fri Jun 12, 2015
     Category: Animals | Toys | 1950s

Just in case the pelvis of Elvis wasn't dangerous enough, here was something else to fret over.
Posted by KDP on 06/12/15 at 10:00 AM
Well, that didn't work!

And... they're still at it!

Nanny State since 1959!

Whew! I'm glad I grew up in the land of the free! Sorry the kids of today can't say the same.
Posted by Expat47 in Athens, Greece on 06/12/15 at 10:07 AM
Yeah, when we were kids our swings and monkey bars at school were over blacktop. We rode bikes all over creation and our parents could not pay someone to kidnap us.
Posted by Patty in Ohio, USA on 06/12/15 at 07:12 PM
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