Follies of the Madmen #433

Our zippers are for crazy people.

     Posted By: Paul - Tue Jul 09, 2019
     Category: Business | Advertising | Fashion | 1950s | Brain Damage

My first reaction was, what is Ryan Stiles doing in a 1954 magazine ad?
Posted by Fritz on 07/09/19 at 07:00 AM
I can't remember the last piece of clothing I purchased with a zipper. So, the question of "Doesn't everybody?" wouldn't apply to me.
Posted by KDP on 07/09/19 at 11:43 AM
Since when do people buy clothes based on the zipper? Perhaps when this ad ran, zipper quality was a major consideration, but I doubt it.
Posted by Brian on 07/09/19 at 10:02 PM
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