Frog Stores


This lurid, almost Lovecraftian corporate icon could be found in the year 1950 in Chuck Shepherd's own Florida stomping grounds. Proof that even 60-some years ago, the F-State was weird.

This link will take you close to the original ad, but you will have to scroll right for another page or so.
     Posted By: Paul - Sun Jul 29, 2012
     Category: Anthropomorphism | Business | Advertising | Products | Retailing | Horror | 1950s

Coffee was only 69cents a pound.. They can call themselves whatever they want!

It looks like "Frog Stores" was a group of individually owned markets banned together to compete with A&P, etc.
Posted by Expat47 in Athens, Greece on 07/29/12 at 09:35 AM
Nothing wrong with that icon. "FROG" stood for "Florida Retail Owned Grocers" - I think it's actually quite clever.
Posted by Robert on 07/29/12 at 10:50 AM
Feelin' Froggy? Jump right on in to our stores for the best deals you can get! :lol:
Posted by Patty in Ohio, USA on 07/29/12 at 11:31 AM
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