Mystery Illustration 29





It seems as if the ad agency could not quite settle on one model for their spokesperson for this product. (Maybe #2 and #4 are the same guy?)

In any case, what was this hirsute fellow pitching? Underwear? Soap? Cars? Cigarettes?

The answer is here.
     Posted By: Paul - Sat Aug 27, 2016
     Category: Advertising | 1970s | Hair and Hairstyling

I basically got this one, figuring some relation to those recent lame beer commercials. I was wondering if it was an advert for an undertaker, but only No. 4 gave me that idea.
Posted by Virtual on 08/27/16 at 03:25 PM
Reminds me of my father's beard style. When he was very young, the dentist used the wrong kind of numbing injection and due to that error, was never able to sprout any chin hair. Everywhere but there.
Posted by Greg on 08/27/16 at 06:01 PM
It's hard for me to believe, but I actually got this one right. I guess I'll have to buy a lottery ticket later today.
Posted by Fritz G on 08/28/16 at 06:45 AM
Me too, Fritz, I finally got one right!!

@Paul: I don't think so. #4's chin is sharper than #2's.
Posted by Expat47 in Athens, Greece on 08/28/16 at 10:13 AM
They we're going for the Robert Shaw look
Posted by Wellbasically on 08/29/16 at 10:48 AM
bruan trimmer. Oh yeah, Booze, my next guess.
Posted by GFinKS on 08/29/16 at 11:49 AM
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