Quickle Queen

Despite the explanation below, I'm not at all sure how a "quickle" differed from a pickle. I suspect that the pickle industry quickly dropped the 'quickle' name and just referred to pasteurized pickles as pickles. Some googling reveals that the majority of the pickles you can find in supermarkets are, in fact, pasteurized. So I guess that, technically, they would be quickles.

Lyman Leader - Aug 7, 1947

"Pickle packers picked pert Pat Varner." Try saying that three times quickly!

Des Moines Tribune - June 23, 1947

Some better quality images of the Quickle Queen, via akg-images.

     Posted By: Alex - Mon Dec 19, 2022
     Category: Awards, Prizes, Competitions and Contests | Food | 1940s

Not to be confused with the Quickie Queen…
Posted by Brian on 12/19/22 at 12:38 PM
How many packs of pickles must a pickle packer pack to be privy for participation in the Pickle Packers Association?
Posted by Virtual in Carnate on 12/20/22 at 11:01 AM
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