Miss Juke Box, Revisited

A few months ago, I made a post titled "Miss Juke Box" that involved a song of that name. But now, with more diligent research, I actually find some beauty contest queens under that rubric. Alas, I cannot identify the woman in the first photo.

     Posted By: Paul - Tue Aug 15, 2023
     Category: Awards, Prizes, Competitions and Contests | Beauty, Ugliness and Other Aesthetic Issues | Music | Technology | Twentieth Century

I like the random paragraph about an envelope.
Posted by ges on 08/15/23 at 09:02 AM
According to Reddit, the woman in the first photo is: "Future television producer Pascale Breugnot, at age 19, after being voted Miss Jukebox. Paris, France, 1959."

Posted by Alex on 08/15/23 at 03:35 PM
Good sleuthing, Alex!
Posted by Paul on 08/16/23 at 09:58 AM
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