
Mystery Gadget 112

Why? How? What?

The answer is here.

Or after the jump.

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Posted By: Paul - Tue Aug 13, 2024 - Comments (2)
Category: Body, Technology, 1920s

Electro-Vibratory Bodysuit

A full suit of electrical stimulators and vibrators to cure your charley-horses.

Full patent here.

Posted By: Paul - Tue Aug 06, 2024 - Comments (2)
Category: Body, Inventions, Patents, Technology, Twenty-first Century

Toaster That Butters the Toast

Man, given the laziness of the average person, this should have been a bestselling item. Unless...the notion of a reservoir full of old butter sitting at room temperature for weeks was a turn-off.

Full patent here.

Posted By: Paul - Mon Jul 15, 2024 - Comments (3)
Category: Domestic, Food, Inventions, Patents, Technology, 1960s

Follies of the Madmen #599

Who knew that electrical appliances could be such rivals? And is that gal's Bride of Frankenstein hairdo a result of the scary radio mystery, or just her natural style?

If you go to the source, you can magnify the text.

Posted By: Paul - Wed Jun 26, 2024 - Comments (2)
Category: Radio, Rivalries, Feuds and Grudges, Technology, Advertising, 1940s

The Obayashi Space Elevator

Back in 2012, the Obayashi Corporation announced that it would have built a functioning space elevator by 2050, and that construction of it would begin in 2025.

But when journalists recently checked in with the company to see if all was proceeding on schedule, they found (no surprise) that no, the company won't be starting construction of a space elevator next year. But the company still claims that it's "engaged in research and development, rough design, partnership building, and promotion."

So I doubt that I'll get to see a space elevator in my lifetime.

More info:, Obayashi Corporation

Posted By: Alex - Mon Jun 10, 2024 - Comments (2)
Category: Technology, Space Travel, Transportation

Mystery Gadget 111

What will this machine do? Hint: atmospheric.

The answer is here.

Or after the jump.

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Posted By: Paul - Sun Jun 02, 2024 - Comments (0)
Category: Technology, 1930s

The Ediphone Sets You Free

Businessman likes to imagine that because he doesn't always have enough time to dictate correspondence to his secretary that he's clearly "chained down like a galley slave."

More info about Ediphones.

The Reporter with Postage and the Mailbag - Sep 1939

Posted By: Alex - Tue May 21, 2024 - Comments (0)
Category: Technology, Telephones, Advertising, 1930s

Miss AI

Entries are now being accepted for the world's first "Miss AI" contest.

One of the organizers of the pageant offered the following justification for it: "Considering real beauty pageants are criticised for dehumanising women, lets dodge that bullet by having contestants which aren’t human to begin with!"

More info:

The contestants will be judged by a panel that consists of two humans and two AI models. They don't explain how the AI models will make their decision or cast their votes. I assume the human creators of the AI models will be the actual judges.

Although this may be the first "Miss AI" contest, it won't be the first computer-generated beauty queen. As we've previously posted, back in 1964 engineers at California Computer Products unveiled "Miss Formula," whom they described as "a computer's idea of how the perfect female should look."

While the technology has advanced, the basic idea remains the same.

Tampa Tribune - July 31, 1964

Posted By: Alex - Fri May 03, 2024 - Comments (5)
Category: Awards, Prizes, Competitions and Contests, Technology, AI, Robots and Other Automatons

Mystery Gadget 110

What is the purpose of this machine?
The answer is here.

Or after the jump.

More in extended >>

Posted By: Paul - Wed May 01, 2024 - Comments (1)
Category: Technology, 1920s

Meet Miss Electronic

Once upon a time answering machines were considered strange and dumbfounding.

Wilmington News Journal - Mar 31, 1956

Posted By: Alex - Thu Apr 18, 2024 - Comments (1)
Category: Technology, Telephones, 1950s

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Who We Are
Alex Boese
Alex is the creator and curator of the Museum of Hoaxes. He's also the author of various weird, non-fiction, science-themed books such as Elephants on Acid and Psychedelic Apes.

Paul Di Filippo
Paul has been paid to put weird ideas into fictional form for over thirty years, in his career as a noted science fiction writer. He has recently begun blogging on many curious topics with three fellow writers at The Inferior 4+1.

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