Weird Universe Archive

December 2010

December 31, 2010

The Hungry Lightbulb from Outer Space

Sam Prekop - The Silhouettes from Thrill Jockey Records on Vimeo.

Have a mind-bendingly cosmic 2011!

Posted By: Paul - Fri Dec 31, 2010 - Comments (4)
Category: Aliens, Food, Surrealism

December 29, 2010

Great Gadgets

Here's a list of 20 great gadgets! The gadgets range from the slightly weird such as the blank keyboard above to the rather bizarre sex robots. With plenty of strange stuff in between. Be sure to check out the boob radio!

Posted By: Alex - Wed Dec 29, 2010 - Comments (11)


Nothing like winning over a woman by telling her she's an idiot, as Freddy Martin and his orchestra do in "Scatter-Brain."

Listen to the song here.

Everyone who sees you says, fascinating face
Heavens, what a figure and, goodness me, what grace
Everyone who meets you must lose his heart, I find
Then he's sure to lose his mind

You're as pleasant as the morning
And refreshing as the rain
Isn't it a pity that you're such a scatterbrain
When you smile it's so delightful
When you talk it's so insane
Still it's charming chatter, scatterbrain

I know I'll end up apoplectic
But there's nothing I can do
It's just the same as being in a hurricane
And though my life will be too hectic
I'm so much in love with you
Nothing else can matter
You're my darling scatterbrain

You're as gay as New Year parties
You're as sweet as sugarcane
But when you get serious, you're such a scatterbrain
When we dance I think it's heaven
Till about the third refrain
Then you start your patter, scatterbrain

Perhaps I'm much too analytic
But I'm up the well-known tree
I've tried to understand your double-talk in vain
Yet, won't you please forgive your critic
'Cause you mean so much to me
Nothing else can matter
You're my darling scatterbrain

Posted By: Paul - Wed Dec 29, 2010 - Comments (4)
Category: Stereotypes and Cliches, Stupidity, 1930s, Women

December 28, 2010

Clocky The Alarm Clock And Friends

Clocky the alarm clock is its name, but I am guessing s.o.b. is what it gets called most days. An alarm clock that runs around the room so you have to get up to find it and turn it off. The 'and friends' are here 14 unusual if annoying ways to make sure you wake up on time in the morning.

Many thanks to my dear friend BD for the clocky link, love ya hon!

Posted By: Alex - Tue Dec 28, 2010 - Comments (7)

Charity Erotic Awards

Be sure to visit the home page of the Charity Erotic Awards, which, unlike various porn industry awards, specializes in the outre.

"The Erotic Awards honour the Stars in the Erotic Universe. Grayson Perry described us in The Times as 'the good people in a gloriously mucky business'. Whilst other awards concentrate on the commercial sex industry, we select artists and pioneers with unique talents, people who are ground-breakers, pioneers and innovators."

You can see a list of finalists for the 2010 awards at the site. Perhaps you would care check out the trailer for one of the contenders, HONEY BUNNY, a still from which graces our post above this text.

Needless to say, everything is rather NSFW.

Posted By: Paul - Tue Dec 28, 2010 - Comments (8)
Category: Awards, Prizes, Competitions and Contests, Sexuality

December 27, 2010

Kitchen Kabaret

Kitchen Kabaret Tribute from Martins Videos on Vimeo.

How many, many nightmares Walt Disney & Co. did inspire!

Posted By: Paul - Mon Dec 27, 2010 - Comments (1)
Category: Anthropomorphism, Fairs, Amusement Parks, and Resorts, Food, Music

News of the Weird / Pro Edition (December 27, 2010)

News of the Weird/Pro Edition
You're Still Not Cynical Enough

Prime Cuts of Underreported News from Last Week, Hand-Picked and Lightly Seasoned by Chuck Shepherd
December 27, 2010
(datelines December 18-December 25) (links correct as of December 27)

SPECIAL [BRIEFER] HOLIDAY EDITION: Less for you to read! Fewer distractions for those with other holiday duties! (Regular-length distractions resume January 3rd)

The Vaginal Steam Bath, Plus Mice That Chirp and the Church of Scum

★ ★ ★ ★!

The Concept Is "Not Insane": A California M.D. gave that reassuring endorsement to the latest health craze in L.A.: the vaginal steam bath (with mugwort tea and wormwood, among other herbs, wafting up into the nether region). (Men can lower themselves onto the vapors, too, to soothe the perineal area, especially those with a super-active perineal area.) It's an ancient Korean treatment, at about $50 for a half-hour squat (or, for Koreans in the ethnic shops, $20). (The question is why, since Koreans have been populating Los Angeles for 50 years, we're only now being told of this essential therapy.) Los Angeles Times

If the Extraterrestrials Check Who's Outside, They May Change Their Minds: Word-of-mouth (some of the mouths agape with vacancy) has prompted a growing population of conspiracists to congregate in Bugarach, in southwestern France, near the mountain inside which (as everybody knows) extraterrestrials have been holing up, waiting for the signal (hint: 12-12-2012) to come out, gather the chosen Earthling survivors, and head back to the Mother Planet. Probably, the idea was for them to select smart, hardy people, but peering at who's assembling around Bugarach, they may just flee in despair. (Or, normal people could be wrong, and Bugarach could be the only place to survive Armageddon.) The mayor is starting to worry, though, as his lovely village of 189 is slowly overrun with conspiracists. Daily Telegraph (London)

Update: They Say You'll Be Able to Make Dinner in a Printer: A lab at Cornell University is said to be leading the field in developing a 3-D Food Printer, which outputs sort of a schematic (the exact recipe for the dish), and you squirt some artificial food from a syringe onto the proper places, and cook it up, and voila! It's good that we have people who think of stuff like this. BBC News /// BoingBoing [Oh, dear! More 3-D printing!]

The Church of Tell It Like It Is: Denver's Christian catch-all for society's misfits and ne'er-do-wells is thriving after 10 years: the Scum of the Earth Church (its real name!) (cf. 1 Corinthians 4:11-13). It must have been a cool assignment for a writer to compose a story with so many "Scum [this]" and "Scum[that]" references, but on the ground, there's quite a bit of salvation going on, backed by "authentic" Christianity (instead of mindless ritualization), and as a fallback position, it's a magnet for the area's disaffected youth (as in, what could a kid possibly do to tick off his parents more than to join the Scum of the Earth Church?). Westword (Denver)

Coming Soon to Everywhere: The UK just experienced its first successful "savior sibling" procedure in which parents bred a second kid for the main purpose of creating cells to treat an already-endangered kid. That has been legal in the U.S. for a decade but kept low-key so as not to annoy the you-know-whos, who seem not to be fully aware that this happens when the in-vitro-fertilization doctor grows multiple embryos, tests each one to find the one or two with the proper cells, implants those, and then--oh, dear!--discards the others. Plus, the Los Angeles lab Fertility Institutes announced in 2009 that it would accept clients who weren't interested so much in savior-ing as they were in, um, creating babies with, y'know, blonde hair and blue eyes, or whatever. BBC News /// Fertility Institutes [a free Fox News summary of a not-free 2009 Wall Street Journal article]

More in extended >>

Posted By: Chuck - Mon Dec 27, 2010 - Comments (4)

December 25, 2010

The Reason For The Season

Blessings often times come, unexpectedly, from the most unlikely situations. I hope unexpected blessings touched all of you today.

Posted By: Alex - Sat Dec 25, 2010 - Comments (7)

December 24, 2010

How to Pour a Beer

May all WU readers and contributors enjoy a nice tall frosty beer--or beverage of your choice--this holiday! Or even more than one!

See you on the far side!

Posted By: Paul - Fri Dec 24, 2010 - Comments (6)
Category: Rube Goldberg Devices, Alcohol

Norad Santa Tracker

Thanks again to Danny53 for a great link!

Posted By: Alex - Fri Dec 24, 2010 - Comments (18)

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Who We Are
Alex Boese
Alex is the creator and curator of the Museum of Hoaxes. He's also the author of various weird, non-fiction books such as Elephants on Acid.

Paul Di Filippo
Paul has been paid to put weird ideas into fictional form for over thirty years, in his career as a noted science fiction writer. He has recently begun blogging on many curious topics with three fellow writers at The Inferior 4+1.

Chuck Shepherd
Chuck is the purveyor of News of the Weird, the syndicated column which for decades has set the gold-standard for reporting on oddities and the bizarre.

Our banner was drawn by the legendary underground cartoonist Rick Altergott.

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