More Things To Worry About

Alligators Climb Trees!

Gators can climb trees, who knew?!?

Posted By: Alex - Sun Aug 14, 2016 - Comments (3)
Category: Animals, More Things To Worry About

Tax Per Mile

Oregon is running a voluntary per mile travel tax instead of the current per gallon standard. The volunteers do not have to pay the gas tax while participating in the study.
Does anyone really believe the gas tax will go away if the per mile tax is enacted? Does any tax ever go away once it is put in place? So if this goes through we may as well expect both.
What a great way to control travel, especially for the poor. This idea is a greater threat to personal liberty than the Patriot Act. It is much easier to control a non-moving populace.

Posted By: Alex - Wed May 20, 2015 - Comments (14)
Category: Government, Regulations, Law, Motor Vehicles, Cars, More Things To Worry About

Cameras In Rentals Hertz Business

Hertz has installed cameras that are able to view the interior of the vehicle in a portion of its fleet and many customers are upset. The company claims the cameras have never been used but they put out a commercial showing how handy the device could be in case of an accident. A representative for the company claims that was a 'mock up'. A mock up? In advertising, really? That kind of behavior; advertising a feature that is not available OR stating the cameras had never been used when they had been, because only one of those statements can be true, makes one wonder if camera use would be disclosed in the future. The book 1984 wasn't even close, there won't be just one big brother watching.

Posted By: Alex - Mon Mar 16, 2015 - Comments (9)
Category: Business, Advertising, Video, Can’t Possibly Be True, More Things To Worry About, Cars


Picture one is a child with measles. Picture two is a child with smallpox. The only study to vilify vaccines has been completely debunked and yet supposedly loving and intelligent parents are denying their children the protection of vaccinations. These people also put others at risk with this irresponsible choice. The scientific community is at a loss as to how to reverse this dangerous trend. Meanwhile pop culture icons weigh in on a subject they have no expertise about and influence decisions that damage society as a whole and children especially.
Government needs to step in for public safety before these diseases take hold in the general population unnecessarily. Parents are being threatened with having their children taken away for letting them walk to the park unaccompanied yet refusing the protection of vaccinations is being allowed. We are down the rabbit hole on this issue.

Posted By: Alex - Wed Mar 04, 2015 - Comments (25)
Category: Confusion, Misunderstanding, and Incomprehension, Medicine, Surrealism, Can’t Possibly Be True, More Things To Worry About, Diseases, Disease

Spring Ahead 2015

Heart attacks increase 25% the Monday after spring ahead and decrease by 21% the Monday after fall behind.

Posted By: Alex - Tue Mar 03, 2015 - Comments (6)
Category: Health, Disease, More Things To Worry About

See A Thief, Catch A Thief

I don't know about you but I've been looking for a new job lately and have not had much luck. But I got excited when I saw this article today - a company in Britain is going to start streaming video feeds from surveillance cameras in the hopes that "armchair cops" can help catch thieves in the act. Participants can earn up to $1,000 pounds when offenders are caught. Of course there has been some criticism about the scheme. You can read more about it here.

Posted By: Nethie - Thu Oct 07, 2010 - Comments (6)
Category: Business, Cops, Crime, Government, Jobs and Occupations, Video, More Things To Worry About

What A Way To Go

In December of 2007, Craig Taylor took shelter under an awning during a storm. The awning collapsed and killed the unfortunate Mr. Taylor. Tragic, sure. But weird? Well death by awning probably isn't common, but what makes this instance unique is what made the awning collapse in the first place... pigeon poo. Australian authorities have opened an inquest to determine what exactly caused Mr. Taylor to be crushed and are focusing on the amount of pigeon's droppings that had built up on the awning. And you thought pigeons only liked statues!

Posted By: Nethie - Sat Sep 04, 2010 - Comments (4)
Category: Accidents, Animals, Death, Excrement, More Things To Worry About, Australia

House Fire Caused By… Spontaneous Combustion!?

Spontaneous combustion is a type of combustion which occurs without an external ignition source. It's also fairly uncommon. But this summer, in Little Rock, Arkansas, an insurance claims adjuster concluded that the fire that caused $20,000 worth of damage to the Duncan's home was a classic case. Brian Duncan said a flowerpot on the porch was the culprit. You can read the full article here.

Posted By: Nethie - Tue Aug 31, 2010 - Comments (5)
Category: Destruction, Domestic, Science, More Things To Worry About

New Meaning For Drop Dead Gorgeous

I don't keep up with fashion trends. If I can't go somewhere wearing elastic-waist pants and a baggy T-shirt, then I don't want to go. But I think I'm in the minority. Or maybe it has something to do with age. Younger folks often seem to be obsessed with their appearance and are even willing to put their lives at risk just to look "good". For example, the government of Thailand has issued a health warning that proclaims black leggings put people at risk of catching Dengue Fever. I realize that might sound a bit paranoid, but they have a compelling reason behind the warning: the mosquitoes that transmit the disease are attracted to black and can easily bite through the thin fabric used to make the leggings. You can read more here.

Posted By: Nethie - Mon Aug 09, 2010 - Comments (7)
Category: Death, Fads, Fashion, Health, Disease, Insects and Spiders, More Things To Worry About

And The Sewer Rats Rejoiced

Beer drinkers in Canada were calling it alcohol abuse when almost 8,500 gallons of beer and foam exploded out of a fermentation tank. Apparently a small crack had formed in the vat at the Okanagan Springs Brewery in Vernon, British Columbia. The pressurized metal silo was blown apart, causing structural damage and tearing an aluminum door off its hinges. Thousands of litres of beer foam poured across the parking lot and onto the road. Thankfully, no one was injured in the explosion, and rain has since washed most of the beer into the sewers.

Posted By: Nethie - Sun Jul 25, 2010 - Comments (3)
Category: Accidents, Inebriation and Intoxicants, More Things To Worry About, North America, Alcohol

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Who We Are
Alex Boese
Alex is the creator and curator of the Museum of Hoaxes. He's also the author of various weird, non-fiction, science-themed books such as Elephants on Acid and Psychedelic Apes.

Paul Di Filippo
Paul has been paid to put weird ideas into fictional form for over thirty years, in his career as a noted science fiction writer. He has recently begun blogging on many curious topics with three fellow writers at The Inferior 4+1.

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