If you stroke lobsters on the back of their shell they go into a trance, as if hypnotized. You can then stand them on their head, and they stay like that. Some people think that doing this before cooking them makes them taste better. Details from The Wicked Good Book: A Guide to Maine Living by Stephen Gleasner:
It turns out that there is a serious debate being waged as to whether lobsters can really be hypnotized. One scientist I spoke to said that a lobster can be "tonically immobilized," but not hypnotized. As far as I can tell, tonic immobilization just means that after being rubbed on the top of its shell, just behind its eyes, the lobster seems to lose any will to move and can be stood on its beak and claws in a kind of tripod arrangement. And the lobster seems content to just stay like this, balanced on its beak and claws. But I don't speak lobster, so it's really hard to say what is on the mind of a tonically immobilized lobster that has been forced to do a headstand.
Some people swear this ritual makes the meat taste better if the lobster is thrown into the boiling water while still under "hypnosis." We carried out a double-blind taste test on our back porch one evening, and I thought all the boiled lobster tasted great.
It's been a long time coming, but now, for the very first time . . . the principles of "SECRET MALE HYPNOTISM" are being revealed. And now . . . you can learn to use these principles to "command" the love and affection of handsome men.
Never again will you have to lose-out because you might not be the type of girl certain men go for.
Once you learn to apply the principles of "SECRET MALE HYPNOTISM," men will automatically see you as their "dream girl" . . . and will be strongly attracted to you.
Released in 1961 by Audio-Dynamics Corp. of Portland, Oregon. It promised better bowling through self-hypnosis. Although for right-handers only.
CAUTION: This recording is for right handed bowlers only. It is unique in its field, and should not be played until you have read the instructions carefully on the reverse side of the jacket.
1. Listen to the record in solitude or free from distraction.
2. Listen to the record while in a relaxed, comfortable position.
3. This recording has been specifically designed to adapt to the schedule of the busy executive or career woman. Side No. 1 may be listened to at any time on any conventional 33-1/3 R.P.M. phonograph. Side No. 2 has been developed to be used on any 33-1/3 R.P.M. automatic player, and when used with a clock radio or timer, will accommodate those who do not have time for daytime listening. Listen for one hour at bedtime. Make certain your record player is set to repeat.
There was a companion album, "7 Days to Better Golf," which also specified that it was for right-handers only. Unfortunately, I haven't been able to find any clips from it online.
A psychological conditioning program guaranteed to improve your game through the application of auto-conditioning techniques in the areas of : Relaxation, Confidence, Concentration, Coordination.
Being the victim of hypnotism pretty much qualifies as unusual cause for murder.
The scan of the story at this source is defective, so some text missing. The second scan gives a condensed version without reference to hypnotism. There is a discontinuity in the text in the second piece as well, and a truncated ending--but that's the way the article appeared.
Paul Di Filippo
Paul has been paid to put weird ideas into fictional form for over thirty years, in his career as a noted science fiction writer. He has recently begun blogging on many curious topics with three fellow writers at The Inferior 4+1.