Hypnotism, Mesmerism and Mind Control

Easy Hypnotism Course

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Hypnotism = tangible eyebeams? I never knew!

Original ad here.

Posted By: Paul - Tue Oct 22, 2013 - Comments (14)
Category: Hypnotism, Mesmerism and Mind Control, Scams, Cons, Rip-offs, and General Larceny, Comics, 1950s

How to Be the Best at Everything Hypnosis Recording

Don't thank me until you've made your first million.

Posted By: Paul - Fri May 17, 2013 - Comments (5)
Category: Hypnotism, Mesmerism and Mind Control, Scams, Cons, Rip-offs, and General Larceny

Are You Ready for Self-Hypnotism?

A self-help book from the 1970s. Among the problems it promised to cure:
  • How to use self-hypnosis to cure your slipped disc, backache, headache, low back pain, even the painful torticolis or "wry neck" that has defied medical science
  • How to conquer a condition we call "loneliness" but which our subconscious mind knows to be a genuine starvation of our love needs
  • Even if you've been smoking for twenty-five years you can give it up overnight—and actually enjoy the so-called "withdrawal" period
  • An entirely new and different way of controlling overweight—on a self-hypnotic diet that requires no dieting

There was also an audio version, available on vinyl, which is still for sale on Amazon.

Posted By: Alex - Sun Jan 20, 2013 - Comments (2)
Category: Hypnotism, Mesmerism and Mind Control, Self-help Schemes, 1970s

The Drugstore Hypnotist

Ralph Pearson's 15-minutes of fame came in 1951, when he briefly gained some notoriety as the Drugstore Hypnotist. He was a drugstore owner who hypnotized his customers, making them believe they were flying an airplane, or that they were the Statue of Liberty. This was in the days before CVS and Walmart, when people actually hung out and socialized in drugstores.

The Milwaukee Journal, May 18, 1951

Men Kiss Absent Women, Fly Imaginary Airplanes in Drug Store of Hypnotist
Miami, Fla.—(AP)—
A stranger walking into Ralph Pearson's drugstore any night in the week would be amazed at some of the antics there.
What would you think, for instance, if you saw a man flying an imaginary warplane, another at the soda fountain kissing a woman who wasn't there, and a girl posed as the Statue of Liberty.
Regular customers are never surprised, though. They know it's just Pearson practicing his hobby of hypnotism.
Besides having fun, Pearson accomplishes a lot of good by putting people in trances. He has cured several of the smoking habit, for example.
"I'm losing a lot of my cigarette business," he says. "But I don't mind. Most of the smokers I've cured are young people who should not be smoking, anyway."
One schoolgirl told Pearson she hated school.
"I hypnotized her and quietly suggested while she was in a trance that school was a good thing and she should enjoy it," he recalls.
"After I woke her up, I said, 'How's school going lately?'
"'Fine,' she said. 'I can't wait to go in the morning.'"
Pearson cured another schoolgirl of biting her fingernails. Another stopped drinking coffee after one session with him.
Pearson hypnotized one girl, told her she was the Statue of Liberty, and she held the pose for 15 minutes. After he woke her up, she said her arm wasn't even tired.
A young man who was about to lose his job because he overslept every morning now wakes up daily at 7 a.m. on the dot, Pearson claims.
"Too bad I can't hypnotized myself," the druggist added. "I stay up so late hypnotizing people, I'm too tired to get up in the mornings."
The druggist has attracted so much attention with his hypnotism, nobody watches the television set in his store any more.
"We'll either have to sell the store and go into the hypnotism business or stop this stuff," said Mrs. Pearson. "It's getting to be a three ring circus around here."

Posted By: Alex - Tue Mar 27, 2012 - Comments (2)
Category: Hypnotism, Mesmerism and Mind Control, 1950s, Brain

Self Hypnosis

Helmut Kichmeier does sword swallowing in his act in The Circus of Horrors. In order to become better at it he is learning self hypnosis from a Dr. Ray Roberts. He does not have the art down yet though as his wife, Joanna, found him entranced, staring into a mirror, in their home yesterday. She knew he was in a hypnotic state but was unsure how to bring him back to consciousness. While looking at her husband's hypnosis book she found a letter from Dr. Roberts. By calling the doctor and holding the phone to Helmut's ear the doctor was able to wake Helmut up. He had apparently been in a self imposed trance from 10am till 3pm when his wife found him. Now he only uses the technique when his wife is present and she has a key word to bring him out of the trance if he gets stuck again. Yet another case of a wife being there to bail her husband out of trouble!

picture from yahoo images

Posted By: Alex - Wed Jan 06, 2010 - Comments (3)
Category: Hypnotism, Mesmerism and Mind Control

High Schoolers Hypnotized, Plus Chocolate Dust

News of the Weird Daily
Thursday, February 5, 2009

Things to Worry About

The basketball coach at St. John (Kan.) High School, with a championship heritage to protect but only a 7-6 record this season, sent all but one player through two 45-minute hypnosis sessions . . until the school board found out (and went nuts). Wichita Eagle via Kansas City Star

Jose Rivera, on trial for murder, said he never saw "The Fugitive," said it really was a "one-armed man," not he, who killed that woman (except that when the prosecutor informed him that the woman's neck had two-handed choke marks, he said, Oh, wait, I forgot, yeah, there was another guy with him). San Antonio Express-News

Loo Choon Yong, a member of the Singapore Parliament, pretty much summed up his country's low birth rate: "We should accept that as a people, our procreation talent is not our forte." (Bonus: and since apparently nobody's having sex on Saturdays, Loo is sponsoring a move to a six-day work week) Agence France-Presse via Yahoo

Fine Point of New Zealand law: Telling the boss to "stick this job up your arse" and walking away is not officially a "resignation" (and a gov't agency said the boss should have followed up for clarification). The Press (Christchurch)

Awesome: Fifteen illegals from the Netherlands were smuggled into Britain in a 37-ton tanker filled to half-capacity with chocolate powder destined for a Mars Candy factory. Daily Telegraph

Austrian anti-discrimination law is being tested by a Salzburg insurance company, which advertised recent job openings by limiting them to Capricorn, Taurus, Aquarius, Aries, and Leo (who are supposed to be way-high-performing). [Ed.: A good editor'd be checking the signs of Madoff, Fuld, Thain, et al, but I'm busy today. Sorry] Daily Mail (London)

Alcohol Was Involved: A 22-yr-old soccer fanatic, returning by bus from a big Manchester United match, apparently mistook the bus's exit door for the restroom door and fell onto the highway, where he was run over. United Press International

Comments on Things to Worry About?
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Your Daily Loser
A 68-yr-old South Korean woman, Ms. Cha, was just reported to have failed the written portion of her driver's test for the 771st time. Agence France-Presse via Yahoo
Comments 'driver_test'

People Whose Sex Lives Are Worse Than Yours
George Bartusek Jr., 51, Cape Coral, Fla., was arrested in the parking lot of a Publix grocery store doing what a police report termed "distateful" things to a blow-up doll. Fort Myers News-Press [yep, mug shot!]
Comments 'george_bartusek'

Your Daily Jury Duty
["In America, a person is presumed innocent until the mug shot is released"]
And of course that's true in Iraq, too! For a change of pace, let's judge the guilt or innocence of a woman arrested in Diyala province. Ms. Samira Jassam, 51, was charged in January with recruiting maybe 80 women to be suicide bombers. (Background: Allegedly, her m.o. was to have them raped, thus making it easier to persuade them toward martyrdom since Muslim rape victims have dismal lives, anyway.) Agence France-Presse via Herald Sun (Melbourne)
Comments 'samira_jassam'

Today's Newsrangers: Terry Summers, James Wicht, Stephen Taylor, Mark Neunder, Scott Langill, Robert Waters

Posted By: Chuck - Thu Feb 05, 2009 - Comments (0)
Category: Hypnotism, Mesmerism and Mind Control

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Who We Are
Alex Boese
Alex is the creator and curator of the Museum of Hoaxes. He's also the author of various weird, non-fiction, science-themed books such as Elephants on Acid and Psychedelic Apes.

Paul Di Filippo
Paul has been paid to put weird ideas into fictional form for over thirty years, in his career as a noted science fiction writer. He has recently begun blogging on many curious topics with three fellow writers at The Inferior 4+1.

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