Exercise and Fitness

Electric Dumb Bell

Couldn't you achieve the same thing by just sticking your finger in a wall socket while exercising?

Full patent here.

Posted By: Paul - Sun Aug 18, 2024 - Comments (1)
Category: Exercise and Fitness, Patents, 1920s, Bodybuilding, Pain, Self-inflicted and Otherwise

Inflatable Dumbbells

Frewoini Kassa of Sausalito, California was recently granted a patent (No. 12,005,293) for inflatable dumbbells. In the patent description, Kassa makes the claim that, "Users can inflate the dumbbell devices to a desired weight for customized workouts."

In fact, Kassa makes this claim repeatedly. But how would that work?

A pound of dry air occupies about 13 cubic feet at sea level. So to add 5 pounds to a dumbbell you would need to compress 65 cubic feet of air into it.

By comparison, the air in a tire, compressed to 30 psi, doesn't even add up to a pound.

I'd like to see a working example of one of Kassa's inflatable dumbbells!

via Jeff Steck

Posted By: Alex - Wed Jun 19, 2024 - Comments (3)
Category: Exercise and Fitness, Patents

Flo Motion

Flo Motion was a brief-lived exercise fad in the early 1990s. The idea was to get in shape by swinging a bag of water around.

Seems like a bit of a gimmick, which I suppose is why the fad didn't last long.

Spokane Chronicle - Sep 25, 1991

Melbourne Age - Jun 16, 1991

Escondido Times-Advocate - Mar 8, 1991

Posted By: Alex - Tue Apr 09, 2024 - Comments (2)
Category: Exercise and Fitness, 1990s

Disco Body Shaper

Posted By: Paul - Tue Sep 05, 2023 - Comments (3)
Category: Exercise and Fitness, Advertising, 1970s

Body Exerciser

This looks like an excellent way to wreck your vertebrae.

Full patent here.

Posted By: Paul - Fri May 12, 2023 - Comments (0)
Category: Exercise and Fitness, Inventions, Patents, 1920s

How To Keep Your Husband Happy

Alas, you will listen in vain for anything risque.

Posted By: Paul - Sat Apr 22, 2023 - Comments (1)
Category: Exercise and Fitness, Innuendo, Double Entendres, Symbolism, Nudge-Nudge-Wink-Wink and Subliminal Messages, Television, Husbands, 1960s

Electro-Stimulation Bicycle

Inventors Young Sam Chun and Hyoung Tae Kim of Korea were recently granted Patent No. 11,458,310 for an "electro-stimulation type indoor bicycle." If I'm reading the patent correctly, it gives you an electric shock if you pedal too slow:

the electrical stimulation indoor bike can be characterized in that the control unit controls the electrical stimulation unit so as to generate stronger electrical stimulation than electrical stimulation corresponding to the speed profile, when a rotation speed of the pedal is slower than that of being defined in the speed profile.

Posted By: Alex - Fri Apr 07, 2023 - Comments (5)
Category: Exercise and Fitness, Patents

Legs of Tomorrow

In 1939, ice skater Erna Anderson was declared to have the "Legs of Tomorrow" on the theory that "the woman of tomorrow will be more athletic."

Arguably this prediction came true. At least, it's common now for women to go to gyms, whereas it wasn't in the 1930s.

Minneapolis Star - June 2, 1939

Erna Anderson. Source: New York Public Library

Posted By: Alex - Mon May 09, 2022 - Comments (7)
Category: Awards, Prizes, Competitions and Contests, Exercise and Fitness, 1930s, Legs, Yesterday’s Tomorrows

Electric Chest Weights

Sold by the Electric Exercising Machine Company, circa 1890. It seemed to be like a nineteenth-century version of one of those Tonal machines that are always being advertised on TV, but electrified.

Although I'm curious about how it produced electricity, given that the advertisement claimed it used "no chemicals," that "its electricity is permanent," and that "it has no battery."

My guess is that it contained a dynamo which would have been spun when a user pulled on the cords, producing an electric current.

The Wellesley Prelude - May 10, 1890

Posted By: Alex - Thu May 06, 2021 - Comments (6)
Category: Exercise and Fitness, Advertising, Nineteenth Century

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Alex Boese
Alex is the creator and curator of the Museum of Hoaxes. He's also the author of various weird, non-fiction, science-themed books such as Elephants on Acid and Psychedelic Apes.

Paul Di Filippo
Paul has been paid to put weird ideas into fictional form for over thirty years, in his career as a noted science fiction writer. He has recently begun blogging on many curious topics with three fellow writers at The Inferior 4+1.

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