Weird Universe Archive

August 2009

August 3, 2009

Forgotten and Unseen Electronics Part 36

I haven't been able to find anything for a while since some of the sites I check decided to go on vacation. Today I found a gadget for the computer called the Combimouse. It's a mouse and keyboard put together. It's not for sale anywhere yet because they are looking for an interested investor. I don't think this would be good to have because I don't see a left or right click button on it anywhere.


Posted By: phantomspy1 - Mon Aug 03, 2009 - Comments (6)

Japanese Love 2.0, Plus Theresa’s Power Uterus and Linda’s Accidental Rape

News of the Weird / Pro Edition
August 3, 2009 (news from July 25-Aug 1)

This Is Not a Stephen Glass Story
A New York Times Magazine writer spent some time in Japan with a live-chick repellant named "Nisan," 37, accompanying him on a "date" with his new girl, "part of a thriving subculture [called otaku] of men and women in Japan who indulge in real relationships with imaginary characters." "The less extreme might have a hidden collection of figurines based on anime characters that they go on 'dates' with during off hours. A more serious 2-D [obsessed with two-dimensionals] lover, like Nisan, actually believes that a lumpy pillow with a drawing of a prepubescent anime character on it is his girlfriend." "He takes her out on the weekends to sing karaoke." One of the more wistful 2-D's admitted he wanted to get married to a 3-D, "but look at me. How can someone who carries this [gal] around get married? People are probably wondering what psychiatric ward I escaped from. I would think the same thing if I saw me." OK, so . . is there a defense to all this? Try this out: "If, as some researchers suggest, romantic love can be broken down into electrical impulses in the brain, then why not train the mind to simulate those signals while looking at an inanimate character?" New York Times Magazine [URL carries a dateline of 7-21-09, but it appeared in print 7-26-09]

Next to Nisan, Jerry Lowery Is Normal
Jerry's obsession is . . eyewear. He was arrested in Milwaukee on three counts of armed robbery of designer eyeglass frames and is a recidivist. He said he's had this "problem" for 15 yrs. Typically, he said, he ogles himself in the mirror when he gets home and decides which frames to keep or trash or give to his friends. Journal Sentinel

Things You Never Thought Would Happen
(1) "Multiple [Connecticut] law enforcement agencies" busted a gambling ring based on fighting songbirds (canaries, saffron finches). (2) An outfit in Brazil has supposedly created an anatomically correct "love doll" (i.e., it has an aperture) . . for dogs. CNN ///

The Crown Vs. Theresa Winters's Uterus
The 36-yr-old in Luton, England, has had 13 kids and has done a bad job raising them, according to the Luton gov't, which has spent "millions" of £ in assistance. One died, one is blind, one has cerebral palsy, and three have something called Pheo Syndrome. She and her fellow-welfare-sucking boyfriend Toney, 36 (who would "love" to go to work, he said, but only for "the right reasons"), are mad that social workers have taken all her kids away, and now she vows to keep having babies until she gets to keep one. The Sun

More in extended >>

Posted By: Chuck - Mon Aug 03, 2009 - Comments (7)

Rhino Drill at Japanese Zoo

I'm not sure this training exercise is really effective for a rhino on the rampage, but you have to admire the Japanese for practicing "just in case" a rhino gets loose.

The best news? Everyone gets paid. I love training -- especially when I get paid.

Posted By: gdanea - Mon Aug 03, 2009 - Comments (3)
Category: Animals

August 2, 2009

Pool-playing Dragons

Why settle for poker-playing dogs when you could have kitsch as magnificently moronic as this?

Visit here--it's only $20 per piece!

Posted By: Paul - Sun Aug 02, 2009 - Comments (3)
Category: Art, Games, Kitsch and Collectibles, Products, Fictional Monsters

August 1, 2009

Professor Music’s Weird Links

Because dogs need love, er, 'release', too

The Rubix Cubewich

I swear, Doctor, I have NO IDEA how that got in there!

Posted By: Professor Music - Sat Aug 01, 2009 - Comments (3)

Big Man Japan

Found by the inimitable Nick Jainschigg.

Posted By: Paul - Sat Aug 01, 2009 - Comments (5)
Category: Human Marvels, Movies, Reader Recommendation, Parody, Asia, Natural Wonders

Animals In The News

Here's a first, a female born with two heads and only one brain. Last Friday a live two headed calf was born in Rivera, Columbia. This birth defect is called polycephaly. Due to the weight of the combined heads the calf can't stand on her own. The farmer, Marino Cabrera, has rigged a hammock to help the animal. Rosario Leyva, the caretaker's wife, thinks the calf is beautiful but you judge for yourself.

On an Egypt Air flight from Abu Dhabi to Cairo a foot long baby crocodile escaped from someone carry on luggage and was loose on the plane. The passengers were quite upset till a member of the flight crew managed to capture the reptile. It is illegal to transport exotic animals in Egypt, so of course no one admitted ownership of the croc. It was taken to the Cairo Zoo.

What happens in Vegas is supposed to stay in Vegas, but this is a bit much. A Tiger excaped from Fernando's Brothers Magic Act and was loose in Las Vegas. The Police recieved calls about tiger sightings but when they arrived the owners had recaptured the animal. Of Course they reassured authorities that the tiger was a tame one. But then just ask Sigfreid and Roy about tame tigers.

More in extended >>

Posted By: Alex - Sat Aug 01, 2009 - Comments (5)

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Alex Boese
Alex is the creator and curator of the Museum of Hoaxes. He's also the author of various weird, non-fiction books such as Elephants on Acid.

Paul Di Filippo
Paul has been paid to put weird ideas into fictional form for over thirty years, in his career as a noted science fiction writer. He has recently begun blogging on many curious topics with three fellow writers at The Inferior 4+1.

Chuck Shepherd
Chuck is the purveyor of News of the Weird, the syndicated column which for decades has set the gold-standard for reporting on oddities and the bizarre.

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