Weird Universe Archive

May 2009

May 30, 2009

Forgotten and Unseen Electronics Part 3

Today I decided to do another unseen electronic because a lot of people got mad when I did a forgotten one yesterday.

On November 19, 2007 the Wii came out along with the Wii Remote. Not many people know that there were a few prototypes they made of the remote before they decided on the one that we have today. At first they decided to add the anolog stick to remote before deciding on the nunchuk. I can't find any pictures of what it looked like with the anolog stick though.


Posted By: phantomspy1 - Sat May 30, 2009 - Comments (3)

Cocktails and Records

As WU readers might have guessed, I love strange music. That's why I was thrilled to discover the blog called COCKTAILS AND RECORDS.

Here's a groovy sample: THE BEATNIK'S WISH.


Posted By: Paul - Sat May 30, 2009 - Comments (2)
Category: Music

May 29, 2009

Your Daily Loser & Jury Duty for May 29th

Your Daily Loser(s) - Look kids! A new game! Joshua N. Sizemore and Amanda L. Madison of Lakewood, Washington, wanted to play strip poker, but they didn't have any cards. At least, that's the only reason I can think of for what they did next... They decided to throw baseball-sized rocks onto cars from a bridge over the interstate. If the left headlight of a car broke, Amanda had to remove some clothing. If the right headlight was broken, it was Joshua's turn to get naked. The police were not amused. The Story.

Jury Duty - Typically this section is for posting the mug shot of an accused criminal and WUvians decide his or her guilt (or innocence) based on the image. So I'm warning you that this is not a typical mug shot. Instead, it's the story of a 'brave' soul who just wanted some cigarettes to go with his beer. (Be sure to watch the video! I, for one, can't stop laughing.)

Posted By: Nethie - Fri May 29, 2009 - Comments (0)
Category: Crime, Your Daily Jury Duty, Your Daily Loser, Goofs and Screw-ups

Cross Species Nursing—Turnabout is Fairplay

This zoo's experiment in cross species nursing can only have a terribly wrong outcome. Bacon for tigers.

Besides the degradation of a tiger being raised to think it is a pig, can a pig mother really fault her tiger children for doing what comes naturally -- eating pork?

Posted By: gdanea - Fri May 29, 2009 - Comments (1)

Midwest Division Friday Feast; May 29, 2009

My apologies to all, for I have not posted the Feast in a while. Life gets in the way of Blogging sometimes. C’est la vie.

Man Arrested For Mowing Lawn; Sandusky, OH: An Ohio man was arrested for obstruction after he refused to stop mowing the lawn at a local park. Apparently the city has not had enough money to maintain the park, and this man took the matter into his own hands. Chicago Tribune via AP

Rare US Flag found in Milwaukee School; Milwaukee, WI: A recent fire to the steeple at the Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. K-8 school in Milwaukee led to the discovery of a US flag from 1897 with only 45 stars. Chicago Tribune via AP

;KFC Sponsors Potholes Louisville, KY: A month ago KFC proposed to help the nation’s cities out by sponsoring pothole repairs and leaving a stencil on the patch informing everybody that this is a KFC repaired pothole. The Headcandy Blog offers more ideas for corporate sponsorship. Chicago Tribune

Facebook Photo Gets Man Arrested; Dane County, WI: When Cody Redenius’ ex-girlfriend saw a photo of him on Facebook holding a shotgun, she notified police. Redenius had previously had an injunction filed against him for domestic abuse which included a provision that he cannot possess firearms. When police went to his home, Redenius turned over his loaded shotgun. The Capital Times

College Sues Porn Site Over Name; Sioux Falls, SD: The National American University (NAU) is suing a pornography site for its use of the name and acronym: Naughty American University (NAU). SFW via AP

Alleged IRS Elevator Urinator; Detroit, MI: Using surveillance cameras Michael Hicks was caught urinating in the IRS’ freight elevator at their data center in Detroit. He admitted to urinating in the elevator for months, causing near $5,000 dollars in damage. (editorial comment: I believe this guy deserves a medal.) via AP via AP

Posted By: chris_cantwell - Fri May 29, 2009 - Comments (1)
Category: Midwest Divisions Friday Feast

Pink Dolphin

The Louisiana Department of Wildlife has released pictures of an albino or 'pink' dolphin. The pictures, taken in December of 2007, were of the albino calf and it's mother in a channel south of Lake Charles. These animals are very rare. There are only 14 of them that have been seen in the world. Catch the story and pictures here-

Posted By: Alex - Fri May 29, 2009 - Comments (2)

Super Clarinet

A reader named Luke--thanks, Luke!--points us toward this triple-sized musical instrument. It reminds me of something Dr. Seuss would've drawn.

Posted By: Paul - Fri May 29, 2009 - Comments (2)
Category: Inventions, Music, Technology, Reader Recommendation

Four Jills in a Jeep

The embedded video at the bottom of this post consists of an entire feature-length film titled Four Jills in A Jeep. It recounts the based-on-truth activities of four female stars on the USO circuit during WWII. You are kindly invited to watch the whole thing if you wish: there's some good singing, and a few laughs amidst the corn. But if you only have three minutes to spare, please do this:

1) Allow the whole video to load, with the sound off if you wish. It'll take a little bit, depending on your connection, natch.

2) Push the slider to the one-hour-and-nine-minutes mark. That's when our gals arrive at a North African village.

3) Wait patiently until, at the mark of 1:11:27, Kay Francis says "They brought us in on a camel caravan."

There's only one problem. Francis had a famous lisp, so the line becomes: "They brought us in on a camoo cawavan."

Watching this at home, we almost fell out of our seats, and had to replay the line several times to make sure we had heard right, laughing harder each time. I can guarantee you will not witness a funnier line-reading for a long time.

What makes it better is knowing something about Kay Francis's offscreen life. As we learn from this site:

A combination clotheshorse/workhorse, Kay Francis made 67 films from 1929 to 1946. Her life and career are a splurging record of indulgent consumption and extravagant dissipation....She usually drank a tumbler of gin for breakfast, got bored very easily, and slept around indiscriminately [with both men and women], racking up a high number of abortions... Kear and Rossman's book quotes liberally from Francis' diary, even using pull quotes from it on many of the pages, so that you feel their subject is talking directly to you. Kay repeatedly calls herself a bitch and a slut, proclaims her pooped-out boredom, and runs down her list of conquests. "Had merciless afternoon with Maurice (Chevalier)," she reports. "Four times in two hours." Her taste ran to talented directors too, like Goulding, Mamoulian, Lang, and Preminger. She could be generous: "Had to sleep with her because she wanted me," says one entry.

Four Jills in a Jeep

Posted By: Paul - Fri May 29, 2009 - Comments (2)
Category: Movies, Music, Sexuality, Sex Symbols, War, 1940s

Forgotten and Unseen Electronics Part 2

On May 21st 2008 Wii Fit came out. Ever since then there's been a lot of sites saying this is Nintendo's first exercising game. It's not. Back in 1986 a game in Japan came out called Family Trainer and in 1988 it was released in North America as Family Fun Fitness. It didn't use a small mat like Wii Fit did, instead it used a mat that looks like an early version of Dance Dance Revolution called the NES Power Pad.


Due to lack of interest from players and developers most of the games never made it out of Japan.

Posted By: phantomspy1 - Fri May 29, 2009 - Comments (4)
Category: Toys

Professor Music’s Weird Links

I'm on vacation, here in Central central USA, in a silly mood (exquisitely-aged alcohol is involved) so these are mostly silly (but still weird):

Fast Food Around the World.

Sports stars that have enhanced their performances using bizarre techniques.

Cardboard Safari.

IMOTIME custom clocks.

For all of Life's unnecessary drama, The Drama Button!!!
(turn on your soundcard)

Posted By: Professor Music - Fri May 29, 2009 - Comments (3)

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Who We Are
Alex Boese
Alex is the creator and curator of the Museum of Hoaxes. He's also the author of various weird, non-fiction books such as Elephants on Acid.

Paul Di Filippo
Paul has been paid to put weird ideas into fictional form for over thirty years, in his career as a noted science fiction writer. He has recently begun blogging on many curious topics with three fellow writers at The Inferior 4+1.

Chuck Shepherd
Chuck is the purveyor of News of the Weird, the syndicated column which for decades has set the gold-standard for reporting on oddities and the bizarre.

Our banner was drawn by the legendary underground cartoonist Rick Altergott.

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