Weird Universe Archive

March 2010

March 31, 2010

What CAN You Build?

Here's a slide show of some awsome beer can sculptures for your enjoyment. Also check out pictures of some more sculptures here. There are some really creative alcoholics out there!

Posted By: Alex - Wed Mar 31, 2010 - Comments (2)

Mr. Bean Beats the Invisible Drums

Sometimes random YouTube surfing turns up some great moments. Here's Rowan Atkinson (aka Mr. Bean) finding invisible drumsticks, drums, cymbals and a cat (at 4:50). Yes, a cat.

Weird Universe does not endorse the abuse of cats, even if they are invisible.

Posted By: gdanea - Wed Mar 31, 2010 - Comments (3)
Category: Music

Creative Editor Fun

Now, why would an editor assign not one but two reporters to this assignment? Sure, the Large Hadron Collider is important science, and even sexy for the layman, in its quest for the Higgs Boson--

Oh, now I get it! You want a byline of "Higgins-Borenstein" so it sounds just like the elusive particle!

"Higg-Bo" might never be another Woodward and Bernstein, but they made my day!

Posted By: Paul - Wed Mar 31, 2010 - Comments (5)
Category: Newspapers, Science, Europe

Psst Kid, Wanna Buy a Goldfish?

Every so often you come across an article in the news that leaves you shaking your head and wondering what the world is coming to. This is one of those stories. Joan Higgens, aged 66, a pet shop owner in northern England has been fined, given a curfew and electronically tagged, because she sold a goldfish to a fourteen year old. Apparently it is illegal to sell pets to anyone under the age of sixteen, as minors are deemed incapable of taking care of the animals.

Posted By: Nethie - Wed Mar 31, 2010 - Comments (9)
Category: Animals, Crime, Government, Law, Pets, Stupidity

March 30, 2010

Top10 Animated Hotties

A sexy female cartoon characters top 10. Lets hear from the WU fellas, do you agree or disagree with the list? Who are your CCILF guys?

picture from yahoo images

Posted By: Alex - Tue Mar 30, 2010 - Comments (12)

Working from home can be dangerous

I used to think working for home would be a good idea, until I saw this commercial.

My favorite part is at 33 seconds, where everyone tilts. Well, really my second favorite part.

Posted By: gdanea - Tue Mar 30, 2010 - Comments (5)
Category: Computers

Peep Show

Here's a slide show of this years peeps diorama contest, Peep Show IV. The picture is from the Huffington Post

Posted By: Alex - Tue Mar 30, 2010 - Comments (4)

Follies of the Mad Men #94

Are you as grossed out as I am by the thought of rivers of cow's milk running through the countryside? What if you fell into one?!? Yuck! And what's at the source of these streams? A giant cow being perpetually milked? Double yuck!

Posted By: Paul - Tue Mar 30, 2010 - Comments (3)
Category: Animals, Farming, Business, Advertising, Products, Fantasy, Body Fluids

Weird 2.0 (3-30-2010)

Weird 2.0
March 30, 2010

"To see what is in front of one's nose requires a constant struggle"—George Orwell
"A little learning is a dangerous thing"—Alexander Pope
"Nero Fiddles While Rome Burns"—Rome Daily Inquirer, 7-18-64A.D.

The FBI, charged in 2001 with saving America from impending overrun by terrorists, set out to build a computer system that would at the least allow agents access to whatever is already known by federal and state governments agencies about potential suspects. You won't be surprised to learn that last week Director Mueller said the system is still not ready and won't be ready until 2011 at the earliest. As of 2008, for instance, the Bureau still could not pull up many suspects by ethnicity or religion. Now imagine a unit at Google or Microsoft or Apple telling its bosses in, say, 2005, that a system they had been working on for four years wouldn't be ready for another two years at the earliest. New York Times

Religious grift–er, I mean, preachers Anthony and Harriet Jinwright of Charlotte, N.C., will go on trial next week for tax evasion. The government fears they are conspiring with each other to align their explanations and wants them jailed pre-trial, to keep them apart. The judge acknowledged the problem but declined to jail them. However, he did tell them, Now, Y'all don't be talking to each other. Charlotte Observer

Like many states, Florida is running huge budget deficits–but not so huge that it can't sympathize with yacht-buyers. For them, the state's 6% sales tax is proposed to be capped at $18,000 (the amount due on a $300,000 boat). This bill is touted by its sponsors, of course, not as a gift to the rich but as something that will ease unemployment in the all-important yacht-building industry. Miami Herald

More in extended >>

Posted By: Chuck - Tue Mar 30, 2010 - Comments (4)

March 29, 2010

Digg Serendipity

I thought this conjunction of advertisement and article was too good not to share.

Enlarge the screen shot with a click to see why.

Posted By: Paul - Mon Mar 29, 2010 - Comments (5)
Category: Synchronicity and Coincidence, Advertising, Internet

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Who We Are
Alex Boese
Alex is the creator and curator of the Museum of Hoaxes. He's also the author of various weird, non-fiction books such as Elephants on Acid.

Paul Di Filippo
Paul has been paid to put weird ideas into fictional form for over thirty years, in his career as a noted science fiction writer. He has recently begun blogging on many curious topics with three fellow writers at The Inferior 4+1.

Chuck Shepherd
Chuck is the purveyor of News of the Weird, the syndicated column which for decades has set the gold-standard for reporting on oddities and the bizarre.

Our banner was drawn by the legendary underground cartoonist Rick Altergott.

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