Weird Universe Archive

May 2009

May 22, 2009

Your Daily Loser & Jury Duty for May 22nd

Your Daily Loser - Criminals will blame anyone and everything but themselves when they get caught. Jonathan Lee Riches of Nashville says that he was influenced by NASCAR when he was caught driving 135 MPH. It was also NASCAR's fault that he was forced to steal credit cards in order to attend races... oh, and he was poisoned by DuPont chemicals from Jeff Gordon's race car. The Story.

Jury Duty - With a name like Honesty, how can you go wrong? Honesty Knight, from Muncie, Indiana, was a passenger in a friend's car when that car was pulled over by a state trooper. While the trooper was talking to the friend, Honesty asked if she could smoke. The officer agreed, and good Ol' Honesty lit up... a joint.

Posted By: Nethie - Fri May 22, 2009 - Comments (6)
Category: Crime, Your Daily Jury Duty, Your Daily Loser, Goofs and Screw-ups

May 21, 2009

Medical Weirdness

In a "stimulus package" of their own devising, Pharmaceutical giant Pfizer have announced they are going to provide 70 drugs, including Viagra, free to America's recently dis-employed. Sadly, what might have been cure for those recession blues is limited to people who had already been prescribed one of the drugs prior to being laid off (New Scientist).

And ladies, with all that free Viagra about to hit the streets, now would be a good time to look your best. So what better way to rejuvenate your skin and cast off unsightly wrinkles than though injections of a compound derived from babies' foreskins. In what is, amazingly, not a joke, a British company has developed, and received UK approval for, a treatment called "Vavelta" that contains live fibroblasts harvested from the bits of baby boys left over after a circumcision. Each vial of the drug is only enough to revive less than a square inch of skin, and costs $1000. But you'll have to travel to get it, the FDA have yet to approve its use in the US (Scientific American).

Of course, it's not just your looks that needs tending as you get older, your mind needs attention too. Fortunately researchers have just announced that increased vitamin D is just the thing to keep us thinking flawlessly. Vitamin D, you will remember, comes to us mainly through eating oily fish and from exposure to the sun. So start saving for that Miami condo now (Telegraph).

Meanwhile, in a case of medical irony, one little spoken of casualty of the strategic arms treaties and test bans has been the availability of medicinal isotopes such as those used in radiography and some cancer treatments. Today, all isotopes for the Americas are supplied by just one facility, the MAPLE facility in Ontario, also the world's oldest operating nuclear reactor. Only now, it's shutting down over safety concerns, and there's no replacement ready (National Post).

Finally, as an irony supplement, researchers have discovered that Down syndrome, a genetic condition that causes a host of physical and mental problems, also protects against some forms of cancer. Down syndrome is caused by having an extra copy of one chromosome, and it is through having an additional copy of one of the genes on that chromosome, which interferes with the formation of blood vessels, that sufferers from DS are less susceptible to many 'solid tumor' cancers. It's hoped that this discovery might lead to better ways to fight cancer in the future (Science).

Posted By: Dumbfounded - Thu May 21, 2009 - Comments (5)
Category: Babies, Health, Medicine, Brain

Weird Canadian Commercials

In an effort to prove to Nethie that not all Canadian commercials are horrifically realistic scenes of brutal workplace accidents, I am pleased to present some of the weirdest commercials to grace our northern TV screens.

These are all part of the same campaign of ads for Mac's Milk's Frosters drinks. Basically, it's convenience store advertising some new flavours (not flavors) of slush drinks that they had just come out with. At least, I think that's what they were advertising. The whole WTF line of ad more or less just gave us insight into how deanged ad-men really are.

Yeah, I think Hate Crime is a good place to start. It really says nothing about the product in question, but speaks volumes about the sanity (or lack thereof) of those invoved in creating the commercial.

More in extended >>

Posted By: kingmonkey - Thu May 21, 2009 - Comments (2)
Category: Dreams and Nightmares, Food, Advertising, Surrealism, Foreign Customs

Texas woman gives birth to twins, each with a different father

Apparently, this is medically possible. I'm not really sure what to say about this, so I'll let the following video do the talking.

Posted By: dherlich - Thu May 21, 2009 - Comments (3)

The Most Evil Device Ever?

Have you commited a crime lately? Are you on the run from the law? Be glad you don't have this micro-chip implanted. A Saudi Arabian scientist has filed for a patent for a "killer" tracking device, which would be used to trace fugitives from justice, terrorists, illegal immigrants, criminals, political opponents and more. The chip acts like a DPS tracker, but with the added bonus of being able to inject a deadly poison into anyone that becomes a security risk. The Story.

Posted By: Nethie - Thu May 21, 2009 - Comments (4)
Category: Body Modifications, Crime, Death, Inventions, More Things To Worry About

Your Daily Loser & Jury Duty for May 21st

Your Daily Loser - During an argument over Italian music, the wife poured beer on the husband's laptop, so he went postal... and during the fight, he fell on her. Six weeks later the wife died from chest injuries sustained when the husband fell on her, so he was arrested and tried for causing bodily injuries by negligence. The Story.

Jury Duty - The forty year-old son, who was getting drunk with his mom at 2:00 AM, decided he didn't like her attitude, so he whipped out the Taser and let her have it. The Story and the Mugshot.

Posted By: Nethie - Thu May 21, 2009 - Comments (1)
Category: Crime, Your Daily Jury Duty, Your Daily Loser, Alcohol, Goofs and Screw-ups

Three hour car chase in East LA

For three long hours East LA police sat and watched this dude sit in his car. Not exciting enough? Just listen to the reporter.

Posted By: Expat47 - Thu May 21, 2009 - Comments (4)

Seriously, can you blame them?

A New Zealand couple asked their bank for a $NZ10,000 overdraft. The bank deposited $NZ10,000,000 into their account. Oops.
Now it's at least possible that this couple considered doing the right (or at least, legal) thing, by returning the money to the bank. But ultimately, they chose to seize the day - and the money - instead, and are now on the run, being pursued by NZ police and Interpol. (,27753,25515799-462,00.html)

Posted By: shadowkat - Thu May 21, 2009 - Comments (7)


From T-shirts to snack food; whose your main man?

5,000 years from now will archioligists from Centary Prime find us to have been the society that worshiped junk food?

Read all about it.

Posted By: Expat47 - Thu May 21, 2009 - Comments (5)

May 20, 2009

Professor Music’s Weird Link (singular, today)


THIS is why I crawl the depths of the Internet(s): to find the most glorious winsome weirdness -- fellow Weirdoes, I present:

The Definitive Ultimate Family Portrait.

If you've got better . . . . share!!!

Posted By: Professor Music - Wed May 20, 2009 - Comments (4)

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Alex Boese
Alex is the creator and curator of the Museum of Hoaxes. He's also the author of various weird, non-fiction books such as Elephants on Acid.

Paul Di Filippo
Paul has been paid to put weird ideas into fictional form for over thirty years, in his career as a noted science fiction writer. He has recently begun blogging on many curious topics with three fellow writers at The Inferior 4+1.

Chuck Shepherd
Chuck is the purveyor of News of the Weird, the syndicated column which for decades has set the gold-standard for reporting on oddities and the bizarre.

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